Sunday, December 28, 2008
Saturday, December 27, 2008
How about playing inside...another bathroom?
This time in Vienna care of They Shoot Music. Stay tuned for our acoustic version of "I Hate Summer" from Spain....
Keep an eye out for us this winter, coming to a (probably 19+) bathroom near you:
Fri-Jan-16 Ottawa, ON Maverick’s
Sat-Jan-17 Montreal, QC La Sala Rossa (with Aids Wolf)
Sun-Jan-18 Portland, ME Space Gallery
Mon-Jan-19 Boston, MA Middle East Upstairs
Tue-Jan-20 Brooklyn, NY Danbro Warehouse (with Vivian Girls)
Wed-Jan-21 Philadelphia, PA Kung Fu Necktie
Thu-Jan-22 Baltimore, MD Talking Head (with Vincent Black Shadow)
Fri-Jan-23 Charlottesville, VA Outback Lodge
Sat-Jan-24 Charlotte, NC Milestone
Sun-Jan-25 Atlanta, GA The Earl (with the Carbonas, Bukkake Boys)
Tue-Jan-27 Gainesvile, FL Sluggo’s (with Iron Livers)
Wed-Jan-28 Pensacola, FL Engine Room (with Iron Livers)
Thu-Jan-29 New Orleans, LA Ducbo (with Iron Age)
Fri-Jan-30 Houston, TX Walter’s on Washington (with Iron Age)
Sat-Jan-31 Austin, TX Emo’s (with Iron Age and Annihilation Time)
Mon-Feb-02 Albuquerque, NM The Launchpad
Tue-Feb-03 Phoenix, AZ Phix Gallery
Wed-Feb-04 San Diego, CA Casbah (with Mika Miko)
Fri-Feb-06 Los Angeles, CA The Echo (with Mika Miko)
Sun-Feb-08 San Francisco, CA The Independent (with Mika Miko)
Wed-Feb-11 Denver, CO Larimer Lounge
Thu-Feb-12 Omaha, NE Waiting Room
Fri-Feb-13 Grinnell, IA Grinnell College - Gardner Lounge
Sat-Feb-14 Chicago, IL High Concepts Laboratory (early ALL AGES)
Sat-Feb-14 Chicago, IL Empty Bottle (late 21+)
Sorry to everyone that wrote about the Royal Swan 7" - they are still in our care, but are currently in London England, so until we actually get them we can't dole them out. So please be patient and we will make another announcement once you can actually buy them for real this time...
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
Everyone I spoke to said it was WAY better than Integrity.
In other news, we have about 100 copies of the Royal Swan 7" left...we are going to sell them for charity, and aren't sure of a price or method yet. If you'd like to offer yourself an early xmas present, get in touch.
Thursday, December 18, 2008

Hey dudes we were in SPIN again. You can check out this mental interactive website of it right HERE.
Also some weird stuff happened in Spain to us. Check out the apology right HERE:
To everyone that attended our Barcelona area show the other night I would like to take this time to offer a sincere apology for my behaviour during our set. I was having a bad day and in no way should I have taken it out on you the people that had taken the time to drive out and pay to see us. It is easy to forget sometimes that this is a privileged life that I getting to live right now and that is only made possible because of the people coming to see the shows. All the drama in my life had no place on that stage. It is a balancing act between providing entertainment and being honest. I would never want the entertainment that we try to provide to be dishonest and have myself just playing a character on stage but by the same token I should realize that I cannot be in a band like this and expect people so be satisfied watching me have an on-stage pout. This is all made worse by the fact that so many of you are people I count as friends and have hung out with us every time we have played in Spain. I'm grateful that you gave me the opportunity to come back on stage a try and redeem myself and think that those four or five songs made me see how poorly I had acted during the first part of the set. Please let anyone who you know that was at this show and doesn't read this blog (it is presumptuous for me to assume that everyone reads this blog... or speaks English in Spain) that I am truly sorry.
thank you
aka Pink Eye
aka Father Damian
aka Huge Fucking Baby
aka Hamlet
Friday, December 12, 2008
So you remember from before when I told you we were doing a big show at the UNDERWORLD in London in a few weeks - well now it's in a few days and we are still playing BUT there is this new thing: we will have a few leftover copies of the fabled ROYAL SWAN 7" that we share with Katie Stelmanis. Some copies showed up in London somehow so we are going to have about 100 to sell (we are selling them this time, and all the money is going to some charity we haven't decided on yet). So get there early and maybe we will sell you one if you aren't Scouserugger.
8PM ALL AGES (14+)
Advance tickets left right HERE.
So in case you were wondering why this song is called Royal Swan in the first place - the term comes to us (me) by way of the Russian Esotericist Boris Mouravieff (by way of the ancient "Orient"), who explains that once existed a royal race of birds that when presented with a mixture of milk and water, could seperate the liquid to drink the milk and leave the water behind. The appeal of this myth to Fucked Up should be plain to even the most casual observer.
Monday, December 08, 2008
TOP 13
BLANK DOGS - Crystal Ladies
SEX VID - Always Home
CRYSTAL STILTS - Crystal Ladies
CATATONIC YOUTH - Out of Control
STRANGE BOYS - To Turn a Tune or Two
VIVIAN GIRLS - I Believe in Nothing
DEERHUNTER - Nothing Ever Happens
NODZZZ - In The City
GUN OUTFIT - Troubles Like Mine
LET'S WRESTLE - I Won't Lie to You
NO AGE - Teen Creeps
You can download this mix right HERE.
Saturday, December 06, 2008
Thursday, December 04, 2008

Hey we are going on tour AGAIN:
Fri-Jan-16 Ottawa, ON Maverick's
Sat-Jan-17 Montreal, QC La Sala Rossa (with Aids Wolf)
Sun-Jan-18 Portland, ME Space Gallery
Mon-Jan-19 Boston, MA Middle East Upstairs
Tue-Jan-20 Brooklyn, NY Danbro Warehouse (with Vivian Girls & Pissed Jeans)
*This MAY be the Year of the Rat 12" release show*
Wed-Jan-21 Philadelphia, PA Kung Fu Necktie
Thu-Jan-22 Baltimore, MD Talking Head (with Vincent Black Shadow)
Fri-Jan-23 Charlottesville, VA Outback Lodge
Sat-Jan-24 Charlotte, NC Milestone
Sun-Jan-25 Atlanta, GA The Earl (with the Carbonas, Bukkake Boys)
Tue-Jan-27 Gainesvile, FL Sluggo's (with Iron Livers)
Wed-Jan-28 Pensacola, FL Engine Room (with Iron Livers)
Thu-Jan-29 New Orleans, LA Ducbo (with Iron Age)
Fri-Jan-30 Houston, TX Walter's on Washington (with Iron Age)
Sat-Jan-31 Austin, TX Emo's (with Iron Age and Annihilation Time)
Mon-Feb-02 Albuquerque, NM The Launchpad
Tue-Feb-03 Phoenix, AZ Phix Gallery
Wed-Feb-04 San Diego, CA Casbah (with Mika Miko)
Fri-Feb-06 Los Angeles, CA The Echo (with Mika Miko)
Sun-Feb-08 San Francisco, CA The Independent (with Mika Miko)
Wed-Feb-11 Denver, CO Larimer Lounge
Thu-Feb-12 Omaha, NE Waiting Room
Fri-Feb-13 Grinnell, IA Grinnell College - Gardner Lounge
Sat-Feb-14 Chicago, IL High Concepts Laboratory (early ALL AGES)
Sat-Feb-14 Chicago, IL Empty Bottle (late 21+)
Sun-Feb-15 Detroit, MI Crofoot - Pike Room