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Tuesday, September 22, 2009


You thought twitter was bad, check out these comments from this CBC article!

I personally don't care for that type of music, but it does seem to be the way that popular culture is going these only have to look at 10 teenagers to see how they dress.....a liberal generation has flushed all hope, all sense of culture, self worth, self respect and dignity down the toilet.

I could care less about the band's name, but there's no way they deserved to win over any of the other nominees. They're terrible.

But, hey, at least the money is going to a good cause.

By giving the award to F--ked-Up (written this way so that the CBC won't censor my post), the Polaris Prize has lost its' relevance.

Artistic Merit? Really?

Why is the CBC which is funded by taxpayers promoting this filth?

The Band's Lead singer fits the name Perfectly somebody should insert a 10 Lb frozen Bologna sideways where the sun don't shine

Hmmmm. I could care less about the band's name. All I know is I just listened to the album in it's entirety, and I find it to be nothing but a loud yelling match. Prize awarded to best album based on artistry eh? Seems to me like the judges just wanted to be edgy and award it to a band with an obviously controversial name.

Judging from the complete lack of talent and imagination in choosing a band name I can't see wasting time listening to the band. The music obviously has to match the name. And music is not art! Never has been. The minute you call it art you take it to a level to which it was never meant to get to. If they were true artistes they would never have shown up at an awards show to have their art validated by a bunch of people they should care nothing about. And of course it can be dismissed if I don't like it. If I think it sucks, it never enters my world. What makes something Art is based on someone's opinion. I think it's telling that their music is barely mentioned in the article but they do have a cause, which means it ain't about the music.

It is unbelievable what crap today is called MUSIC !!!

Says as much about the judges as it does the band!

What a revolting name and what a disgusting on stage display. When this is considered the "best" and award worthy, it's time to change the channel and find something with quality and substance.

Absolutely pitiful !


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The best was the "Is that you Dad?" comment though


3:02 PM  

CONGRATULATIONS you deserve it. those comments from the cbc page are so square it's kind of shocking.

3:25 PM  
Anonymous UnionSt said...

Some of us trying to get you the Order of Canada. Nothing yet:

3:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's concentrate on the positive and not give those twerps the time of day.. any winner would get hated, that's what happens when you are awesome.

3:32 PM  
Anonymous Brandon said...

You guys should be proud both for winning the award and for provoking that reaction from some people. Congrats.

4:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said... it to early to ask to borrow some money?

4:27 PM  
Blogger Fools Gold said...

The amount of pissed off people is an even better result than the award!

4:35 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

"Toilet Trash musicians now have money to buy toilet paper"

"My 12 year son and his buddies can make music that sounds just like this - and the've only practiced together twice!!"

these two comments made me lol hard.

5:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


6:44 PM  
Blogger xinit said...

People are pissed because they think that Joel Plaskett is relevant? Most of the rest of the short list was a joke; a very very bad joke.

Joel Plaskett?

I have seen the face of the new Kenny G, and it's Joel P.

3:01 PM  
Blogger xinit said...

Wow... as of today, comments allege that Fucked Up are some sort of product with a huge marketing machine behind them. Tell me, who's this mysterious corporate puppet master?

Fucked Up - the New Menudo?

3:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

where was mike?

11:59 PM  
Anonymous FinnSpin said...

Congratulations, Fucked Up! I especially liked the comments where the definition of punk and art were argued (MY PUNK IS BETTER THAN YOUR PUNK!). And KayKay25's comments are a hoot. Can't wait for the Fucked Up Saturday Morning Cartoon show here in the states.

12:20 PM  
Blogger Livin' Loud said...

good review.

9:24 PM  
Anonymous Alicia said...

nothing but a loud yelling match.... is vocals the only things people look at in music nowadays.... the music that creates the aural landsape is equal parts to the vocals if not more... im not a huge fan of scremaing in music but ive been listening to fucked ups album for a long time and the music is what keeps me coming back.. the intricate guitar play... the melodies (yes... there are those too)... the music is so rich. if there was emily haines singing over this music and won, no body would be saying anything. but good you got them talking. talkin themselves into a hole while you guys explode.

3:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chemistry of Common Life is an excellent experimental rock album with great touches of traditional hardcore punk. If you don't like the vocals fine,but don't bash the musicianship because it isn't "bad" at all.

And this album reflects where pop culture is going these days? Are you fucking kidding me? Can you compare any popular mainstream rock act that sound virtually anything like Fucked Up? The answer is no because the type of music Fucked Up plays could never even exist in this "pop culture" that you don't seem to like.

If you don't like the album fine,but don't bash them because of idiotic remarks. I can't think of many other hardcore/punk bands that are as original as Fucked Up in the last decade,they deserved the prize if you ask me.

7:23 PM  
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5:20 AM  
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11:32 AM  
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6:01 PM  
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6:03 PM  
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6:05 PM  
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9:00 AM  

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