Triumph of Life
The following things are scheduled to occur:
The Hidden World CD/2xLP will be released on Jade Tree Records, with the vinyl on Deranged Records. This will include a limited boxset with assort sundries and charms. More info on this box later. Expect the album to drop in late summer 2006. Recording starts Friday March 31st.
The first batch of singles for the LP are like this: Triumph of Life 7" on Vice UK in April 2006, and on Jade Tree in July, Dangerous Fumes 7" on Deranged in July, and in the EU later on with a different bside.
The "Year of the Dog" 12" will be released on Blocks Records in Toronto. Blocks is a registered worker co-op label and produces and release records within a co-operative framework. Look for this 12" in Toronto first in the late summer also. Wait until next year for the "Year of the Pig" 12".
A larger update on the Macrock front. Here is the flyer. We play at 9pm.

Don't forget Baltimore the night before, and Richmond the day after. We are also looking to play a night show after Macrock somewhere in the area, get in touch.
Here is an updated tour schedule for the UK in April:
April 13th - Liverpool - Quigans w/ Magpyes, Ignaramus
April 14th - Leeds - The Fenton w/ Dead Stop (Last UK show ever)The Sex Maniacs, Mingers, The Day Man
Lost and The Cover Up
April 15th - afternoon - Bradford 1 in 12. 4.30 finish
April 15th - evening - Boston - Indian Queen w/ Patient Zero, Kamikazee
April 16th - afternoon - Nottingham Old Angel . 4.30 finish
April 16th - evening - Sheffield - Cricketers w/ Bruce Banner (Swe), The
Plight, The Volunteers
April 17th - afternoon - Harrogate Little Wonder. 4.30 finish
April 17th - evening - Newcastle The Stout Fiddler w/ Break It Up, Marked
For Death, Fuck That

April 18th - London - Old Blue Last w/ Sons Of Merrick
April 19th - Brighton - Free Butt
April 20th - Southampton - King Alfred
April 21st - Bristol - Junction w/ Battle Royale (Ger)
April 22nd - Cardiff - Clwb Ifor Bach w/ Violent Arrest (3/4 of Ripcord),
State Run, Savage Henry
Finally, David Eliade has been asked to score the soundtrack to the movie Triumph. Expect a full on heavy-eli sounding axelrod. He can be reached for press and requests at vibrationandhum@hotmail.com.
PS - Fuck the Haters.
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i found this flyer.
when is the next toronto show scheduled for?
Great news! Putting out those records on Jade Tree and Vice should get a lot of new people into the band. looking forward to all this shit. Hit me up if you guys ever need a show in Iowa.
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