
The next show we do is next Friday February 9th at the Horseshoe, part of Wavelength 7th Anniversary Festival
Friday February 9th @ The Horseshoe Tavern, 370 Queen West
9pm Pay what you Can
and DJ Barbi
Here's a brief interview we did for the Wavelength Zine this month (they called our style "extra crispy"). What you have to understand is that punks and indie rockers are still a little different:
So I was walking down the street carrying a plate of run-of-the-mill punk and hardcore LPs when this band ran into me and got their interesting all over my boring. I was hesitant at first but I tasted it and it was delicious. Their 12’’ “Looking For Gold” is a 17-minute opus chock-full of pounding drum solos, extended whistles and the kind of stanky raw punk that makes you wanna slap the elderly. Listening to it, I knew I wasn’t eating just a greasy snack but mowing down on the full meal deal…
After putting on their new record, Hidden World, and running his head into the wall for awhile, Matt Thomas saw some red spots, and Fucked Up’s guitarist 10,000 Marbles, who’s brain he proceeded to snack on.
Roll Call/Instruments/Favourite shit disturber in history?
10,000 Marbles. Guitar. Gilles De Rais.
Not your mother’s hardcore band-—how does Fucked Up fuck it up live?
Today we fucked up the bridge in “Blaze of Glory,” and we also fucked up by not first realizing that was already the name of a Bon Jovi song. We also always break strings and I do this thing where I pretend to faint into the crowd and make them carry me but really I’m just faking. Plus Pink Eyes always thanks people onstage that he doesn’t really mean to thank. Also this one time Mustard Gas played the bassline to “The Boy Is Mine” while we were playing “Generation” because she was so high.
If you could grant three wishes to the hardcore scene what would they be?
1) That it would implode.
2) That the shockwave would annihilate the wolf-band-name scene.
3) That finally in a glorious cataclysm of stellar destruction it would be spread over the universe like expensive caviar and never be heard from again.
I heard rumours of a fucked up film featuring Fucked Up, can you tell more of such secrets?
It isn’t about us, we‘re scoring it. It’s going to be called Triumph, and is the brainchild of epoch-maker David Eliade. It will be the first true film in history and will be fed to audiences like a fine, sugary, drug-laced mash through tubes into their brains. Its going to be the biggest movie of the 21st century. We are also working on a musical called David Comes To Life.
What advice do you have to people so they too can be Fucked Up?
Smoke raisins.
How was it working for a fancy label in a fancy studio with a fancy producer?
It was amazing. The four weeks we spent in the studio doing the record was the best episode in my life. Woke up at eight and instead of biking to the salt mine I work at normally, I got to bike to the studio and eat greaseball food for 18 hours straight and try out the most ridiculous sonic experiments imaginable and do it all on someone else’s dime. For a band like us, it was like being with the most luxurious pimp on the planet.
Whistling, mysticism, drum solos... what do you have planned next to give punk a facelift?
Uh… we are going to include homemade acid blotters on the next FU 12-inch. They will be DIY though, so a lot of important people are going to die.
How will Fucked Up end the world when they take the stage at Wavelength this year?
Haha, I’m going to be serious for a minute—we’re gonna play the show with a third guitarist and Max from the Deadly Snakes (no longer true, but he's playing with us in late Feb) is going to be playing the organ on a couple of tunes.
By Matt Thomas
Plus don't forget to check out brother Wyrd Visions this Thursday at the Music Gallery at 10.30PM.
Lastly, FUI would like to welcome a few new members into the family - hello to Octavio St Laurent, Nick Fenstle (UK), and Mister Q, plus the new philosophy we are experimenting with, Wilsim Publogy. Triumph of Life!
Thanks for coming to Peterborough, and for letting me sing on Jacob's Ladder. You rule.
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