Whats that, you dont speak English OR Polish OR code? We'll, here is a review from our show in London England, by the "Japenese Pitchfork" - if you can guess how many copies of the Fucked Up/Mind Eraser split we sold at this show, we will mail you a free copy! Isn't this global village great. PS Fucked Up/Mind Eraser/86 Mentality Nov 10 NYC (Williamsburg) Tickets HERE.

リヴァプール出身のナイスなパンクス=DOWN+OUTが速射砲OIライヴ(曲はキャッチーだが、「ポスト・グリーン・デイ」パンクの軽さはゼロ)で盛り上げた後、いよいよこの晩のトリ、カナダ:トロント出身のファックト・アップが登場。2004年から活動しているこの5人組、ヴァイナルにこだわりが強いらしく長いこと7インチ(10枚)と12インチ(3枚)とシングルしかリリースしておらず、昨年米JADE TREEから満を持して初のフル・アルバム「HIDDEN WORLD」(アナログは2枚組!)を発表。ブラック・フラッグやネガティヴ・アプローチ直系のサウンドが「オールド・スクール・ハードコアの新たな旗手」と絶賛されているが、たとえばハスカー・ドゥのようにサイケの影響も感じさせる奥行きも備えているところが、実に個性的(アルバム・ジャケットなんて、インクレディブル・ストリングス・バンドとかホークウィンドみたいだもんな。すごくヘン)。本人達はザ・ストゥージズが一番好きだそうで、屈強なモーター・ベース(女性)+無頼なチェインソー・ギター(男性×2)が生む頭突きサウンドからもそれは大いに納得だが、一方で80年代グラスゴー・ノイジー・ポップ(=ヴァセリンス、ショップ・アシスタンツ、53rd&3rd他)にも目がない・・・そんなお茶目さんぶりは、楽曲のフックのはしばしにうかがえる。
今回のミニUKツアーでロンドン上陸は2度目(のはず)だが、熱心な固定ファンが既にしっかりついていて、ベス・ディットーといい勝負?なヴォーカルのカリスマPINK EYES(ポロシャツ、ジャージ)が巨体を現すや、着古したパンクT(ブラック・フラッグ、ディセンデンツなど)連中が「うおおお」とステージ前にはせ参じる。「2日前にギャロウズがライヴをやってたけど、今夜はあれ以上にしようぜ? オッケー?」とハッパをかけられ野郎共の興奮もみるみる膨張。ハード&タフにドライヴする雷サウンドがキック・オフし、自分の額をマイクでぼこぼこ殴打しつつPEが一気に咆哮のフル・チャージをかけてくる(ライヴが始まる前まで彼のおでこの灰色のしみはタトゥーかと思ってたが、同じ箇所を毎回連打しているようで、たちまち流血ぷしゅー・・・。プロレスラーみたいっす)。フロアは瞬時に腕と足が入り乱れるモッシュ鍋に早代わりし、ゴムまりみたいにはじき飛ばされてくる若者(身体を支えられない痩せたガキはモッシュに参加すんなよ:怒)のひじを顔面で受け止め、頭から降りかかるビールにぐしょぬれになり・・・と開始5分で早くも人間クッション状態、場内は完全ヒート・アップである。カオスの陣頭指揮をとるPEは、オーディエンスを煽るだけでなく自らダイヴしフロアのモッシュを混ぜ返し、ファンにタックルされたりマイクを奪われたりしながらカオスの温度を確実に上昇させていく。毛だらけの背中とお尻をぺろっと見せて笑いを誘うなどユーモア・センスもばっちりで、これだけカリスマと確信に満ちた痛快なフロント・マンを観たのは久々。惚れたぜ!
[ 2007/05/21 16:01 | Mariko Sakamoto ]

Yo we recorded a GERMS cover.

リヴァプール出身のナイスなパンクス=DOWN+OUTが速射砲OIライヴ(曲はキャッチーだが、「ポスト・グリーン・デイ」パンクの軽さはゼロ)で盛り上げた後、いよいよこの晩のトリ、カナダ:トロント出身のファックト・アップが登場。2004年から活動しているこの5人組、ヴァイナルにこだわりが強いらしく長いこと7インチ(10枚)と12インチ(3枚)とシングルしかリリースしておらず、昨年米JADE TREEから満を持して初のフル・アルバム「HIDDEN WORLD」(アナログは2枚組!)を発表。ブラック・フラッグやネガティヴ・アプローチ直系のサウンドが「オールド・スクール・ハードコアの新たな旗手」と絶賛されているが、たとえばハスカー・ドゥのようにサイケの影響も感じさせる奥行きも備えているところが、実に個性的(アルバム・ジャケットなんて、インクレディブル・ストリングス・バンドとかホークウィンドみたいだもんな。すごくヘン)。本人達はザ・ストゥージズが一番好きだそうで、屈強なモーター・ベース(女性)+無頼なチェインソー・ギター(男性×2)が生む頭突きサウンドからもそれは大いに納得だが、一方で80年代グラスゴー・ノイジー・ポップ(=ヴァセリンス、ショップ・アシスタンツ、53rd&3rd他)にも目がない・・・そんなお茶目さんぶりは、楽曲のフックのはしばしにうかがえる。
今回のミニUKツアーでロンドン上陸は2度目(のはず)だが、熱心な固定ファンが既にしっかりついていて、ベス・ディットーといい勝負?なヴォーカルのカリスマPINK EYES(ポロシャツ、ジャージ)が巨体を現すや、着古したパンクT(ブラック・フラッグ、ディセンデンツなど)連中が「うおおお」とステージ前にはせ参じる。「2日前にギャロウズがライヴをやってたけど、今夜はあれ以上にしようぜ? オッケー?」とハッパをかけられ野郎共の興奮もみるみる膨張。ハード&タフにドライヴする雷サウンドがキック・オフし、自分の額をマイクでぼこぼこ殴打しつつPEが一気に咆哮のフル・チャージをかけてくる(ライヴが始まる前まで彼のおでこの灰色のしみはタトゥーかと思ってたが、同じ箇所を毎回連打しているようで、たちまち流血ぷしゅー・・・。プロレスラーみたいっす)。フロアは瞬時に腕と足が入り乱れるモッシュ鍋に早代わりし、ゴムまりみたいにはじき飛ばされてくる若者(身体を支えられない痩せたガキはモッシュに参加すんなよ:怒)のひじを顔面で受け止め、頭から降りかかるビールにぐしょぬれになり・・・と開始5分で早くも人間クッション状態、場内は完全ヒート・アップである。カオスの陣頭指揮をとるPEは、オーディエンスを煽るだけでなく自らダイヴしフロアのモッシュを混ぜ返し、ファンにタックルされたりマイクを奪われたりしながらカオスの温度を確実に上昇させていく。毛だらけの背中とお尻をぺろっと見せて笑いを誘うなどユーモア・センスもばっちりで、これだけカリスマと確信に満ちた痛快なフロント・マンを観たのは久々。惚れたぜ!
[ 2007/05/21 16:01 | Mariko Sakamoto ]

Yo we recorded a GERMS cover.
i'm guessing somewhere between zero and zero.
-1 ?
0. now give me 1.
never cry wolf
We fear the eye which you saw but PE which is the good person The ぶ っ break! Shout! Tomorrow it is not explosion ファックト rise The meeting place (the 2nd floor of the narrow pub) foot is set and, the む ぉ? ? Atmospheric pressure it is done in the ardor which is made the っ. Those where it enters into the man & the man & the man and sight are the almost young man. Every lock gig as for the man customer it is many basically, but the gig where usually by his goes (to become the binding, = "in D lock system") with in the customer class where atmosphere differs rather, シャレオツ, nothing, being full of with friendly and healthy vigor, you call inside the place enormously, feeling. The dividing, hard core flat tire the world where you close the ぶ is loyalty esprit de corps is strong, or (scatters to the world) to be a self-sufficient impression just the inside of the scene turning the artist and the fan, in D lock which has commercial characteristic? It seems that "pollution" degree is low in comparison with the pop. "And it is the っ ぱ lock, don't you think? -" how saying, it was and the っ ぱ did just the appearance and there are no also circumstances which adhere to the eye where the fashion rocker which you are affected overflowed was conscious and/or (both of the band/the fan and) in England of these days when it returns, for example looked at the eye of opposite sex, in addition while the arm to do uniting with the rear, to being the case that it becomes オタwhich begins and ends "observation" their forms where it participates in ライヴ purely even when without, pile up the band and have come to raising refreshing very forcing. Nice パンクス = of リヴァプール graduate DOWN + OUT is rapid fire OI ライヴ (as for tune catch -, but lightness "of the post green day" flat tire zero) with after mounding, more and more トリ of this evening, Canada: ファックト rise of the Toronto graduate appears. These 5 human groups which have been active from 2004, prejudice to force to ヴァイナル and seem and 7 inch long things (10) with 12 inches (3) with only single release have done, last year keeping from the United States JADE TREE full, first full album "HIDDEN WORLD" (as for analog 2 groups!) It announces. Sound of the black flag and ネガティヴ approach direct line is extolled "the new guidon of the old school hard core", but for example like the husker - ドゥ the place where also the depth which the rhinoceros influence is made to feel has would like to see, unique (the album jacket how, the ink ready bull ストリングス band or the hawk window truly, is it is. It is enormous the hen). These people like the ストゥージズ, so, the robust motor base (the woman) + villainy the chain saw guitar (man × 2) also that greatly is agreement from the head piercing sound which bears, but on the one hand eighties Glasgow noisy pop (= ヴァセリンス, shop アシスタンツ and 53 rd& 3rd other things) there is no eye... the way of such a mischievousness, as for hook of music the lawn it dies and can infer. The London landing 2nd (expectation) is with the latest mini- UK tour, but the enthusiastic fixed fan having already been attached securely, ベス ディットー it is good, you have a match? Charisma PINK of the vocal EYES (the polo shirt, Jersey) the gigantic figure is displayed and, the flat tire T which arrival old is done () party such as black flag and ディセンデンツ "the fish" with the せ appears before the staging. However the Gallo eddy does ライヴ "2 days ago, as for tonight the ぜ which will be made above that? オッケー? "With be able to apply blast, also excitation also the guy instantly expansion. While hard & toughly the thunder sound which ドライヴ is done kicking & turning off, the ぼ the ぼ assaulting your own amount densely densely with the microphone PE at a stroke applies the full charge of roaring, (before ライヴ starts to, the gray present seeing of that forehead whether タトゥー in order you think, each time to have repeatedly hit the same place, instantaneously the bloodshed ぷ palpus -.... The っ which professional wrestling Ra we would like to see it does). ガキ where the arm and the foot enter instantaneously and do to substitute the floor to the モッシュ pot which is disordered quickly, the rubber ball would like to see repel the young person who is thrown (the body cannot support and lose weight participates in モッシュ, it is: 怒) You catch the elbow with the face, in the beer which is befallen from the head you become the comb ょ getting wet and... with already human cushion state, the inside of the place is complete heat rise at start 5 minute. While ダイヴ doing PE which takes the head direction of chaos, personally not only fanning the audience and mixing モッシュ of the floor and returning, being tackled in the fan and/or taking the microphone it keeps rising the temperature of chaos securely. The back of the hair being lazy the ぺ ろ っ showing the rear end distantly, humor sense e.g., it invites laughing, with the っ dust, this much what the piquant front man who is full in charisma and conviction was seen after a long time. The ぜ which falls in love! "What which the dense balance っ wants eating in the sound which the North American band puts out, the る it is? "With you can be frightened well, but (we would like to think as the meat, but ヴェジタリアン is only such band, don't you think?), チャラ their tough sounds which it is accustomed to hitting ding dong at zero the model. There is no wastefulness and the solid ロックンロール, furthermore as for the basis it meaning that the shield paste flat tire and the paste are good, (having begun and ended and smiling as for the nihilistic base line by lovely woman ベーシスト, when you hear well, the クラウト lock wind. Because there is an awakening impression in some げ, coupled with the entwinement of the twin guitar, feeling it is good for the head to keep becoming the empty っ ぽ, is), the youth who is released in roar to rage, the chorus stripe chestnut of the り which is sown. As for vocal basic death voice: Being it is catching almost impossible you can sing together well, while everyone... with admiring, ("CRUSADE" other than you did not understand, it does, it is increase it is training the っ shank which is not enough), by your it can be excited with ドライヴ of pure beat + リフ, unnoticed "the your ぐ ぉ -" "アウゥゥ? ? "It barked with semantic unclear scream facing toward stage and had returned. Girl smaller than writer about 3 people, from the middle "- cartridge viewing! "With applying special attack in モッシュ with the body which was said, it does, makes the man of the drunkard it is to be, the shoulder be caught," it is this っ て what with the look? It is new, this! ? You said, or that "with it can speak suddenly, can make animallike instinct bare as for reason putting in side once, sound catharsis of the ファックト rise which can be unified in the movement had grasped the heart of the audience with the unconditional joy. Approximately while in nonstop spin cycle of 1 hour both the mind and body being refreshed & being recharged and, becoming unsteadily with the く which is the sweat, when it goes outside, the ambulance has stopped outside the meeting place. It seems that the young audience where to drink the flying it crumpled too somehow with the too much raging too much is nursed, but even then he certainly is the expectation which very is happy.
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Can you use something other than sendspace? It seems to be impossible to get anything off it!
any suggestions?
This one is quite good:
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