This kid we know is doing a Fucked Up DVD of those shows we did in Toronto last October. He still doesn't have pre-order info up, because he doesn't know how to work paypal, but you can see the world exclusive trailer RIGHT ON THIS BLOG and also at gametrailers.com, and I guess the TV show of that website as well. Oops, I mean:
Was that intense or what. Ok he's got pre-oders up now HERE.
We also just got back from SXSW. Here is a tour diary we did up for VICE in case you are too lazy to click on this link:
Also there are more pictures on the vice site.
DAY 1 and 2
We meet at the bus station in Toronto. We neglected to buy plane tickets until the last minute, so all we could get were flights from Buffalo to San Antonio. The three-hour bus ride featured two driver changes, Falco getting stuck in the bathroom for two hours, and no movies.
Just after midnight we get our visas approved at the border. We have a couple of hours to kill at the airport until our 9am flight. Pink Eyes and Gulag walk to the McDonald's across the highway. I watch The Devil Wears Prada on my laptop. I think Sandy is listening to Vampire Weekend. Somehow it becomes morning.
We arrive in beautiful Newark, Airport (not to be confused with Newark, Delaware) and wonder why we aren't just going to Manhattan, which we can see out the window. We sample Airport’s many culinary delights, such as the Sbarro and the Nathan's. I get the wet sushi. Sandy opts for frozen yoghurt instead of ice-cream because she is off dairy.
We arrive in San Antonio. Immediately I see the fattest person I have ever seen in my life - the guy who rents us our van. We almost get inside him and drive off.
Fucked Up played "Year of the Pig" at Beerland. Veronica from The Carrots did back-up vocals and then passed out on stage. J Masic was there. He looked like a unicorn and kids were daring each other to ask him if he was in Deep Wound. He was pissed.
After the show we went to Taco Cabana - the worst Mexican restaurant on the planet.
We get to Sean Agnew’s party at some house he was given. He told us Justice were going to play, as well as a lot of other DJs that Gulag is into. Some dude from Vampire Weekend was there and someone pushed him into the pool. He got his clothes all wet. As we left we saw Justice pull up in a Hummer, stop for two seconds, and then speed off.
Fucked Up play four shows on one day, beginning with the NME party at WAVE. No one is there, but the gear is great and Pink Eyes almost jumped off the building like King Kong. People were throwing food at him. After that we raced over to the Vice outdoor party to play for free Gatorade. Nothing funny happened.
The next show we did with John Brannon from Vampire Weekend. It was super hard.
Then we played on Lemar Pedestrian Bridge and 3,000 people showed up. A few died. There were police helicopters flying above during our set. I saw some MIBs rappelling the bridge. Thank god an army of angry punks pelted them with empties until they fell into the river and were eaten by sharks. It was "gnarly."
Hey wow, another great meal at Taco Cabana.
After getting free jeans and shoes, we hung out all day at Waterloo Park. We did some tunes with Keith Morris from Vampire Weekend. It was “ill.” There were about 1,000,000 people at this show and 10 stages. Ween played a bunch of cool tunes from their new record "Weirdo Rippers." It was cool. Everyone was wondering what the fat dude from The Sarah Silverman Program was gonna do next. Last year he watched Hatebreed. This year he was watching Ween because they played the same stage as him.
Beat got some free red pants from Ben Sherman and wore them because he secretly thinks he’s Rat Scabies.
We met up with Andy and Michelle from Mika Miko and drove them to Taco Cabana, which miraculously was open. She called me a faggot, so we ditched her because we aren't into that.
One more show: the Vice secret afterparty. Last year the building collapsed during this, so everyone was pumped. Our guestlist was 200 people long. We played for 2 minutes. Again, no famous people.
We got home at 6am. An hour later I woke up shivering. I spent the next 2 days throwing up in airports, hotel rooms and buses. Fuck you SXSW.

The Devil Wears Prada is such a sweet movie.
Anne Hathaway is my celebrity crush.
Why did the twins needs the next Harry Potter? Everyone knew Snape kills Dumbledore.
A+ would read again.
check it.
Yeah, whatever.
that is absolutely ridiculous! fucked up on oxygen. I can't tell if that makes me like the band less or more.
who gives a fuck where you saw it. what matters is that the idea is amazing.
wait, did FU really play a show with john brannon, or was it just one of the 2 million lies?
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