Hey Suny Purchase - sorry we didn't get to play a full set at Culture Shock on saturday. The police made us stop because somehow all the barricades came loose while we were playing. They (NY state police) told us right after our set that we were about to be arrested for inciting a riot and had to vacate the campus immediately - so that's why we were on the highway at about 8.45, when we were still supposed to be playing. You can read a full account of what happened here on our friend Patricks mustard blog.
Pink Eyes did get to meet his hero Cassidy, who also played the fest, so it wasn't a total loss (if you saw our set, Pink Eyes was probably trying to show you his belly button all night as well). Here is a video he took on his cell phone while it was going down:
Stay tuned - we will have some more show announcements for this summer in places that will take us 15 hours to get to to play 3 songs.
I'm glad I didn't go... 2:30 hours is too far to watch you guys play 3 songs, even if it is free.
you guys should start punching people, too.
Actually this Video was taken by MCSFamily's Karla & Keila Mera (Obviously) from Their Digital Camera. They're Photographers and Videographers and they are the coolest in their profession. Thank You!!!
hahahaha at that last comment
yahhhh! trick yahhh!
What is my video doing here? and why does it say that someone else took it? This is MY video...and i dont mind you showing it off... just dont go saying that someone else took it...when I took it
hi keila - sorry for the confusion, but the video was definetely taken by Pink Eyes - you can hear his voice in it and everything (he's the one talking about his belly)
Yes, you can hear pink eyes in the background...but he/she didn't take it.
That person was to the side of me...
I took this video and you can even see that at the end of this video when it shows the embed code and the url... The url goes straight to MY YOUTUBE.
Like I said, I dont mind you using it...just dont say someone else took it when I so obviously did
yo dudes, my name is Jon and im pretty much responsible for having all this shit go down. i emailed the event coordinator later in the night airing my grievances. fuck the cops.
Dear Purchase Dance Majors, You're all really weird. XO
You've Just Been Busted BEE-YATCH!!! LMAO
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