Mixtape 3.2.0

Here is another promo/preview for the Fucked Up Mixtape, Volume 3. The physical version will come out in October 2008, around the same time as ChemCom is released. In the meantime here are a few demos, teasers, and interviews. Download HERE.
1) The Omen OST - Main Title
Jon Drew had just bought this when we were tracking all the first guitars at Halla Studios, and was constantly playing it between takes. We had to scrap most of the bed guitars because they were out of tune (again).
2) Fucked Up - ChemCom interlude
The new album has a few musical interlude-style songs. This is part of one of them.
3) Fucked Up - Chemistry of Common Life demo/album/demo versions
This is to try and show how a song is built - we originally thought we were going to have to write this LP in a very short amount of time. We had planned to make ChemCom our last record for Jade Tree Records, and wanted to get out of the contract, and off the label, as soon as possible - this was in probably October of 2007. We had gone down to New York to talk to Matador, and on the way home made the early plans for our 2nd album - it would have 4 songs on side 1, and a re-recording on "Looking for Gold" as the entire bside, like Pink Floyds "Meddle" LP, where "Echoes" takes up the entire second side. We spent the rest of October and December frantically writing songs and wrote 8 or 9 songs before Christmas, and were constantly making and re-making demos of them. By the time the songs were written we had decided there was no way we were staying with Jade Tree for a second album, and made our intention clear to a) leave the label and b) make the album a full length with 10-12 songs. Anyhow, this track represents about 4 or 5 different versions of "Chemistry of Common Life", including the first riff that I recorded onto my answering machine, a full band demo, Mr. Jo's bedroom-demo, the unmixed studio version, and the mastered album version. So you can see how things moving quickly end up taking forever - we hatched the idea for the album in October 2007, started recording it in December 2007, finished recording in June 2008, and the record will be released in October 2008.
4) Interview with Ox Fanzine (Germany)
One of the best interviews we've done as a band, backstage before, during, and after a show in Munchen (I think) Germany. I never saw the paper version of the zine, but we managed to get wav. files of the whole thing.
5) Vivian Girls - Where Do You Run To
A cool tune by a up and coming NY band. These ladies contribute backup harmonies to several songs on ChemCom and have just started to work with In The Red Records.
6) Fucked Up - No God (GERMS cover)
We were once on a compilation called "Toronto City Omnibus" released by Schizophrenic Records, who also released our first live LP. Craig had the idea to release a re-working of the Yes LA compilation, and have Toronto bands do versions of all the songs. We were given "No God" by the Germs, but really had no time to do a proper recording. So I put the song on my ipod, and played it by putting the headphone speakers onto my guitar pickups and looped a bit of the song with looping pedal in my room, and then played bullshit effects on it for 5 minutes. We sent it to Craig and never heard back.
7) Another Sunny Day - Anorak City
This is an amazing song by a band that had several records on the venerable Sarah Records, a UK label that released more than 100 indie pop and "twee" records in the late 80s and early 90s. We got permission to record this song by Henry himself, and it appears as the bside to the UK "Year of the Pig" 7" single on Matador.
8) Fucked Up - Looking for God
Another interlude. This was originally written as the intro for the new recording of Looking for Gold (which has yet to be recorded). Fucked Up isn't a religious band, and the religious imagery used in art and lyrics is rarely meant in a literal sense.

This is great. I really want to hear the whole of the interview though. It sound amazing, just can't make it all out.
fuck yes
how did i not notice that sex vid and slipknot are the same band?
good call
that slipknot song is AMAZING
So, uh, what happened with Jade Tree?
Was that second video taped on Halloween or something?
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