Hey (one of) our new record(s) is out. It is called Crooked Head, and it looks like this:
Well that is what one side looks like. This is what the other side looks like:
A lot of people ask us why we put out "so many records". Well the answer is simple - because records are amazing. You should buy this record to find out just HOW amazing. Like check out this guy - he likes records so much that he made a youtube video of just him flipping through some of them!
And then like two thousand people watched the video of him leafing through his old records. Then YOU watched it. Then you went to THIS LINK and bought the new Fucked Up 7" single so that one day in the future YOU could make a similar video of you just flipping through like 56 different Fucked Up records. Like check this picture out, from Japan, which makes it look like Fucked Up is it's own section/genre of punk/hardcore music, and you know Japan is LIKE the future, so maybe one day that will just be the way it actually is:
Fucked Up Music! Imagine that. Well you don't have to, you can just buy the record. Say, but haven't all the last records we've released been "total bullshit"? Like Year of the Dog, and Year of the Pig, and all those YOTP 7"'s and shit, and Toronto FC, and David Christmas, and all that stuff? Well yeah, but this one is different! The ASIDE is from the new ALBUM, but its an EDIT, which means its a bit different, but not in any sort of way that cost us any more money to make in the studio, and then the BSIDE is this killer little tune that isn't on ANY OTHER RECORD OUT THERE, and is about how Damian hates summer because, well you can read the LYRICS! They are INCLUDED on the INSERT, which is a little piece of paper stuck into the 7" sleeve that has the lyrics on it, as well as the LINER NOTES. THE SONG IS REALLY SHORT, its like less than 2 and a half minutes long, and its PRETTY FAST and SORT OF SOUNDS LIKE THE UNDERTONES because we use that drum beat we used on TEENAGE PROBLEMS and NEAT PARTS and maybe one other song in our discography. Anyhow, this 7" is 100% NOT BULLSHIT except for the fact that the aside is already on the album, but not really, as I was just talking about, but its got its own ARTWORK, and the bside art looks a little like the album cover because its got the sun in there and everything, and I can tell you now that we're gonna make a bunch more 7"'s that have the sun on the cover, so you might want to start COLLECTING them ALL so that if you ever want to make that VIDEO I was talking about WAY before, you won't be missing the CROOKED HEAD 7", which is now for sale over at MATADOR RECORDS and pretty much no other websites I could really find on google. Plus check out THIS PICTURE (I can't hotlink it) - he likes FU so much that he took a picture of Damians SOCKS.
Hey speaking of TOTAL BULLSHIT, we are almost finished recording YEAR OF THE RAT, which is like 10 minutes long I'd say, and before we've even recorded the vocals, it's got like 160 TRACKS ALREADY. That means that we did 160 DIFFERENT THINGS on the song. Also - some of it was recorded in London ENGLAND, and some was recorded in TORONTO, CANADA - how NUTS IS THAT? 160 TRACKS! Get ready for that. The bside sounds like PINK FLOYD! It's going to come out as a 12" SINGLE hopefully before the end of 2008 on WHATS YOUR RUPTURE RECORDS. You can hear a rough mix of the first 2 minutes of this song on the MIXTAPE that we are about to release - volume THREE. It is coming out SOON.

And then like two thousand people watched the video of him leafing through his old records. Then YOU watched it. Then you went to THIS LINK and bought the new Fucked Up 7" single so that one day in the future YOU could make a similar video of you just flipping through like 56 different Fucked Up records. Like check this picture out, from Japan, which makes it look like Fucked Up is it's own section/genre of punk/hardcore music, and you know Japan is LIKE the future, so maybe one day that will just be the way it actually is:

Hey speaking of TOTAL BULLSHIT, we are almost finished recording YEAR OF THE RAT, which is like 10 minutes long I'd say, and before we've even recorded the vocals, it's got like 160 TRACKS ALREADY. That means that we did 160 DIFFERENT THINGS on the song. Also - some of it was recorded in London ENGLAND, and some was recorded in TORONTO, CANADA - how NUTS IS THAT? 160 TRACKS! Get ready for that. The bside sounds like PINK FLOYD! It's going to come out as a 12" SINGLE hopefully before the end of 2008 on WHATS YOUR RUPTURE RECORDS. You can hear a rough mix of the first 2 minutes of this song on the MIXTAPE that we are about to release - volume THREE. It is coming out SOON.
EVERY POST should read like a PowerThirst commercial..
if YOU GUYS send me the Toronto F.C., secret 7'', Two Snakes, and Looking for Gold, I'd be INSPIRED to MAKE THAT DAMN VIDEO.
I love you guys!
Damien told me that if you circle every 3rd letter of every 3rd word in this post that it spells out the line-up for Fucked Up weekend.
now, how many people actually went back and wrote down the 3rd letter trying to figure it out...
also, i preordered that shit, but i preordered stuff from matador before and kinda forgot about it and never got it. and it was forever ago, so i have no idea if i was actually charged for it. boo.
Japan IS like the future.
I gotta SAY, guys the BEST thing ABOUT READING the Fucked Up BLOG is when I SEE POSTS that HAVE a lot of SILLINESS in theM KINd of lIKe this one DID.
You guys are the MEN. Well, except for Sandy, OF COURSE.
The SENTRI program is like the NEXUS program, but for Mexico. It's also geared primarily toward people crossing the border by land.
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