Hello folks (this is sort of a technical "business" style post so if that isn't your deal maybe you should read some of the other posts - some are funny), we are hearing that some people are having a hard time getting their hands on the LP - if you are an individual, but ESPECIALLY a small time record distributor, like in the sense that you have a smaller store, or sell records at stores, or do an online distro and don't deal with ADA or other large distribution corporations, please feel free to conduct small-scale mail order business through
This includes the new LP, the corresponding CD, and also all the singles we've done on Matador up to this point (NOT including "Royal Swan" [OLE-848-7]) and also the soon to be repressed Year of the Pig 12" single, and it's corresponding CD, and of course any subsequent licenses, represses, mixtapes, compact discs, reel to reel tapes, long playing albums, 7" singles or any of the music contained therein to be released as compilation albums, in all territories in the world (henceforth know as "the territory"), except excluding any and all albums, compact discs, singles, 12" singles, reel to reel tapes, cassette tapes, prison issue-only "safe-plastic" (herein known as "plastic tapes") tapes, tshirts, long playing albums, cd singles, minidiscs, books, books-on-tape, plastic cylinders, hats with the FU logo on it (herein known as "hats"), toques (herein known as "beanies" [and/or "Toques" within Canada, excluding "The Territory"] and [except when containing any and all reference to Vampire Weekend in any stiched, stenciled, drawn, painted or any other form of transfer onto any such "Toque" or "Beanie"]) (and not including winter Scarfs [herein known as "scarfs"]), lunchpail kits (does not contain food [unless in reference to officially licensed Fucked Up Food {also known as organic bok choy}]), and any other formats not already covered within said agreement.
If you have any questions please feel to ask Dave.
This includes the new LP, the corresponding CD, and also all the singles we've done on Matador up to this point (NOT including "Royal Swan" [OLE-848-7]) and also the soon to be repressed Year of the Pig 12" single, and it's corresponding CD, and of course any subsequent licenses, represses, mixtapes, compact discs, reel to reel tapes, long playing albums, 7" singles or any of the music contained therein to be released as compilation albums, in all territories in the world (henceforth know as "the territory"), except excluding any and all albums, compact discs, singles, 12" singles, reel to reel tapes, cassette tapes, prison issue-only "safe-plastic" (herein known as "plastic tapes") tapes, tshirts, long playing albums, cd singles, minidiscs, books, books-on-tape, plastic cylinders, hats with the FU logo on it (herein known as "hats"), toques (herein known as "beanies" [and/or "Toques" within Canada, excluding "The Territory"] and [except when containing any and all reference to Vampire Weekend in any stiched, stenciled, drawn, painted or any other form of transfer onto any such "Toque" or "Beanie"]) (and not including winter Scarfs [herein known as "scarfs"]), lunchpail kits (does not contain food [unless in reference to officially licensed Fucked Up Food {also known as organic bok choy}]), and any other formats not already covered within said agreement.
If you have any questions please feel to ask Dave.
post of the year.
speaking of Reel-to-reels, what is the pressing info on those?
welfare records /75
same guys as the hidden world 8 track
I knew they were on Welfare, I just hadn't heard the number. For some reason I had heard 40 thrown around.
Next question... The peaceable kingdom... is that, like, vinyl only?
please change the email address so that bots don't spam the fuck out of my account. thanks.
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