NOV 12

We didn't have high hopes for this show because the last time we played Cardiff we couldn't understand anything anyone was saying, we had to arrive early so our "roadie" could watch "the darts", and the club was less than half empty. The food was great though. After the show we stayed at a guys house who played us Propaghandi CDs for 4 hours and then after we went to sleep i heard him screaming and crying to himself for the rest of the night. We got the the place really late this time because we checked out of our hotel at 2pm (which is crazy because in Canada you have to check out of a hotel at 8am). We are in a huge green school bus so it took even longer. So we get there and there are two huge bottles of cherry coke waiting for us, so the show is already great. I"m sitting doing the internet and a cute girl hands me a loot bag full of candy, so even better. I go to the pub to watch Liverpool v Spurs, and Liverpool loses and it's embarassing, so now I'm really pissed (that means angry). I get back to the show around 10pm and we're about to play and the place is rammed (that means packed) so now we are all pumped. Pink Eyes is dressed like a roman warrior because he's been doing Greco-Roman wrestling with his friends backstage all night (if you know what I mean) and we start playing and kids are going crazy (that means chuffed). It's probably the best show of the tour so far, and who knew, Cardiff? Fat dudes are getting thrown around the room, we're getting sprayed with beer all over the place, it's great. The show ends and we go to our dressing room has turned into an electro-clash dance party (I'm not kidding - there are two girls dj-ing an empty room that was our dressing room 2 hours ago). Actually it's not empty, there is one weird guy with a mustache sitting by himself on a couch taking pictures of the girls with a cell phone camera. We start to load out and a huge line (that means que) is forming outside the club because now every room in the building is a different dance party (the top floor is "twee" [that means "fey"] night) and the place we've just destroyed has immediately turned into a 50s dance night, even though all the smashed beer bottles and ceiling panels are still all over the floor. We say bye to Let's Wrestle, our tour mates who are getting a little crazy this evening. We go get fries (that means chips) and get back to our van and discover that all of Lets Wrestle has just been arrested for reasons I won't disclose here. What a crazy night! We push off finally about 2 hours after we were meant to on the way to Bristol where we're staying (at Guv'nors auties).
wait, was that a 'Ladies Man' reference??
where can i order stuff from the band nubs? you guys covered them a while back
Josh looks terrifying in that first picture
i personally think exeter was a better show!
exeter was amazing, post pictures.
Spurs ftw!
Josh looks mad good in that first picture
I've been going to shows since 1984 - the show in Cardiff on Nov 12th was one of the greatest I have ever seen, anywhere. Just Awesome.
hey, i have some pictures i took of you guys from last month's show in connecticut. sorry it took so long, i went a few weeks without a computer.
click here, hope to see you all soon
"Liverpool lost so I was pissed." Serves you right for supporting them, you sad twat. And again, keep football out of this blog.
So start a petition.
Footballs all good.
does that bus say "fandangle" on the front?
did you play an alexisonfire cover in exeter?
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