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Wednesday, February 11, 2009



Hi, we are releasing the No Epiphany 7" single on March 10 on Matador, which is like a month right from today (or yesterday for those of you that are reading this tommorow morning [actuallly technically THIS morning unless you got this post late and its sometime in the more distant future]). Anyhow, it's the 3rd single off the ChemCom album, the first being Crooked Head, which you can get anywhere, the 2nd being Royal Swan, which you can get nowhere.

As you can see from the picture right up there, this single arrives frought with mystery and hilarity. Why did the NME name it "Single of the Week" 4 months before it was even released? What on it made Katy Perry call us "good musicians?", and why did Tom Jones admit that it was "not something (he) would play"? Is it true that one lucky buyer will become the proud owner of exclusive one-of-a-kind No Epiphany NIKE SHOES? All true, yet what confusion.

Originally this 7" was planned as kind of a double aside - the actual aside containing the album version of the song, and the more symbolic aside (ie the bside) containing a demo version of the track. When we recorded the song we did a few versions of it. Jonah wrote this song, and he really likes punk, so No Epiphany was originally conceived as a faster piece. I kind of like punk, so I decide it would sound cooler if it was slower, and had some ridiculous guitar tracks all over it...if you are on this website you've heard the press - No Epiphany has 1546 guitar tracks in total, mostly all written on the spot. I digress - the bside for this 7" was originally going to be the faster version of the song that was eventually completed - the faster music and lyrics written by Jonah Himself. Also he played all the instruments. We got No Age to do a remix of the original album version, and now thats on the 7" instead, but I feel bad for Falco, because his version got bumped (twice now), so here is a little tribute to his vision.

His Lyrics:
- the sun of heaven, its message sent
- gaze in the blaze of incendiary judgement
- present a life or a static catastrophe
- no epiphany

- regard the victor - his splendour, foiled
- unveil the laggard in all his spoils
- worst of its vision makes all liquid boil
- no epiphany

- perchance to glance a glimpse thereof
- a salty tear tended by a mother's love
- reveals the sun-kissed shade of ennui
- no epiphany

- I see the cover but never the book
- you can change but i'll only ever look
- no amount of time can be took
- no epiphany

- nothing new and nothing old
- facet the diamond or burn the coal
- the gleaming essence of miscellany
- no epiphany

- do what you will to incense, to make irate
- shatter life's foundations with a pathetic shake
- a callous smirk at the shifting plates
- no epiphany

His Music:

His Likeness:

His Facebook Profile


Blogger atarigeek said...

team MIKE team MIKE!

5:02 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

he's shouting, he's not singing

10:21 AM  
Blogger skillz said...

I think I actually prefer the fast one.

Don't kill me...

12:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

listening to laughing stock by talk talk. this is the new direction for fucked up.

3:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

how can i preorder this epic peice of wax

9:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

^^^ I thought of that about a year ago (talk talk).

10:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bob the builder's review actually made me laugh out loud.

2:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

why are you advertising for nike?

10:08 PM  
Anonymous Jacson said...

I think I actually prefer the fast one.

Don't kill me...

7:46 PM  
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5:46 PM  
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12:05 PM  

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