Hey, so it turns out there's this really big important hockey game happening at the same time as our show tommorow. We just wanted everyone to know that a) There will be tv's at the Opera House and b) there will also be big screens at the Blue Moon right next door showing the game. We're gonna push our set a bit later so that we don't really clash with the game. Game starts at 930, we should go on close to midnight. We also cancelled practice today so I could watched Fenercahce-Lille (just kidding) so we know what it's like.
So just to recap:
1) We are playing at the Opera House tommorow with Kurt Vile and D'urbervilles and Give
2) You will be able to watch the hockey game
3) You can still order the Davids Plan 7" from insound and get it from us on Friday
4) We are playing in Tampa next week
5) We're playing a few shows at SXSW right after that
6) im lookin for this really weird french techno song that just came out is gonna be dj-ing the after party tommorow at Blue Moon
7) Also some bands are playing
Will the Cinci show really ever be rescheduled?
" We're gonna push our set a bit later so that we don't really clash with the game. Game starts at 930, we should go on close to midnight. "
noooooo then I probably cant stay because H will wake up at home and want to nurse :(
the earlier you play the better!
- L
i agree. fuck the hockey.
You should play another set at a smaller venue in Tampa.
The Biblical commandments states that Tzitzit is supposed to include the blue thread.
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