Hi everyone. We are playing SUNY Purchase on Friday. Last time we played this college the state police shut the show down and kicked us off the campus because a few wooden barricades fell over while Damian was standing next to them or something. It was really lame and we were not scared. We only played like 2 minutes of music. A few weeks later we flew to England for a festival and that show got shut down after 2 songs because of noise or violence or something. We flew all the way there just for the one show. The festival had no money so we had to fly from Hamilton Ontario on something called "Flyglobespan" which made me really nervous because I hate planes, especially small cheap ones that have to fly out of small markets. We got there safe but as soon as we got to the festival grounds Sandy sat on Burdock root and had to be rushed to the emergency NHS tent located a few feet away from where we were sitting. The Fall took like 2 hours setting up their gear in the precise way needed for Mark E Smith to wander on stage and start randomly messing with every knob (like on the amps, not the people) onstage and like turning amps off and stuff. The Fall asked us to open for them on a tour once a few years ago but we declined because we'd heard a rumour that their deal on tour is they need to borrow the opening bands gear every night and they just wreck it up. Anyways by the time we got onstage 2 hours late (I think some band called The Editors had a hand in fucking us over as well, but I can't remember) at like 2am the soundman started flipping out because he said it was "too loud" and past a noise curfew FOR A TOWN LIKE 5 MILES AWAY. Apparently some priest or bishop or something got woken up by our set a few warrens over and called the bobbies or whatever. Even thought that part actually kind of makes sense, we're pretty sure we got shut down because Damian set up a folding table onstage before we played and then smashed thought it like a wrestler. I was just pissed because I was missing Uffie, who was playing across the field at the same time (I used to like Uffie in 2006 and still it's the #1 joke used against me in the van, almost 5 years later. Either there is nothing else to make fun of me about in 5 years of being perfect or everyone else in the band sucks at making jokes. Also I was watching new Uffie videoes from her new album and they are OK).
The worst part was that band Gang Gang Dance was still scheduled to play AFTER us and obviously couldn't play because our stage got totally shut down after us. We were kind of happy because it's a crazy and hilarious story to fly all the way to another continent and back only to play for 6 minutes, but they were for some reason really pissed so Andy Capper had to buy them a really expensive bottle of wine to calm them down because they couldn't play their set. The WORST WORST part that I forgot to mention before is that they ALSO played AFTER US at the original SUNY debacle, so we almost had got them shut down at that show as well. We played with them again at Coachella a few years later and there were no incidents and I legit think that band is pretty cool anyway. And then a few years later they got their gear stolen, and had to cancel a tour at least once, maybe twice. Bummer pants.
ANYWAYS we are gonna try to play SUNY again, on Friday. If we play a full set great. If we don't, also great. We are pretty chill about stuff like that. I'm missing Ricardo Villalobos in Toronto to play this tho, so it would be great if at least something funny could happen.
Anyways if you could see the pile of empty Halloween candy wrappers next to my computer right now you'd understand why this post is so insane sounding.
Speaking of cancellations, our Lisbon show got cancelled! BY NATO. Thanks a lot Anders Fogh Rasmussen! We are trying to organize a replacement Lisbon show for the same night, so if you have any ideas please don't hesitate to call Sandy Miranda at home or to facebook Jonah Falco.
that festival in england was like 3 years before suny even happened. check your references.
I'd be bummed about missing Ricardo Villalobos too.
SUNY Purchase sucks
Is the show in Porto still happening? I sent you an e-mail some time ago trying to sort something for the Lisbon date!
Can you hit up any of the downstate schools? How about the City again? Do it.
Diamond Rings is real. Its here on this stupid itunes bullcrap. It is their free single of the week.
My brain.
Do you think Roger Waters is acting in Live At Pompeii when he looks all intense and half frightened at the camera before smashing that gnarly gong in 'a saucerful of secrets?'
Because I'm really cynical and am going to say that he's definitely acting.
Anyone who likes diamond rings should check themselves into an insane asylum and then light themselves on fire and anyone around them that may have overheard the music hopefully also bursts into flames to put themselves out of their own misery. That music honestly makes me sad.
^^ The comment before made my fucking life today. Best comment I've ever read on this gay blog. Wow. Yeah, Diamond Rings is so horrible I'm embarrassed to be torontonian.
Uffie is cool. I would like to see her do guest vocals on Nervous Breakdown with FU backing up.
I noticed that the diamond rings "guy" has facepaint now like the dude in the Stalin. What's up with that?
this is the "Henderson The Rain King" of band blogging. Salut!
Have you got any other uk gigs sorted apart from the Liverpool one at the end of November?
Not that I hope to get an answer, but it makes a change to trying to google where you're playing
oh thanks:
Happy and proud to announce that together with the friends at Fünf and Infected Records the Fucked Up show in Lisbon will still happen! All the info very soon*
I can believe you guys are going to Play in Lisboa, yayyy!!!so fcking happy!!i want another bear hug, like that one we shared in shoreditch
this is a message for fucked up. I love your music, and I was looking forward to your show at fallfest, that is until girls started getting beaten up by guys right and left. It was too crazy for you guys not to notice. As a band with roots in hardcore, I would have thought you would notice and stop playing, but I was wrong. You seemed more concerned with getting attention and getting your stomach touched by fans than anything else.
Yeah, I got pushed over at the gig in shoreditch and you guys didn't stop the show.
If you were proper hardcore punks you'd have a fenced creche / refuge area in the centre of the pit for people who don't like getting pushed around.
Thanks for the link to the shows, Anon, I'd forgotten about that.
i once had someone a bit taller than me stand right in front of me at a fucked up show and i couldn't see a think...AND YOU GUYS DIDN'T EVEN STOP THE SHOW!
i'm selling my record collection.....
One guy makes fun of your post > HARDCORE'S DEAD!
I was in the crowd at that show. That shit was so crazy and scary. My friend caught a haymaker split straight to the dome and now she's got a crooked head. Don't get me wrong, there were some neat parts in the set, but, looking back, it seemed more like a violent exhibition, like asshole males trying to see who was the last woman standing.
Haha. We are talking about gold here not diamonds. :-)
Difficult to tell from a youtube clip, but it looks more like a student disco than a scene from The Firm.
no, they clearly saw and ignored it, because obviously fucked up hate women. :/
or, you know, they didn't see it.
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Do you think Mark Ocean is performing in Stay At Pompeii when he looks all extreme and 50 percent terrified at the photographic camera before striking that gnarly gong in 'a saucerful of secrets?'
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