BEGN Singles
Hey the comments section from last post was getting weird, so lets restart. Today (or thereabouts) if you don't live in Canada where there is still a postal strike, and if you ordered BEGN, and if you checked your mail, and if you have a record player, you will have received the 4 bonus 7"s that were part of the packaged. We're also selling them on tour right now. So there are still some options. Anyhow, the art on this set is pretty cool:

As I've written on here before, this collection of records is meant to act as a prologue to David Comes to Life. We wrote these songs at the same time as the 18th that are on DCTL (other than the ones we wrote five years ago) and when we realized the record would be too long if it had 26 songs (and no, it's not too long as is, in case you are gonna crack wise) so these became the prologue, meant to describe the characters and the setting in a bit more detail. Either way, your DCTL collection is incomplete without these records. The last one is "Octavio Made the Bomb" which effectively is the epilogue to DCTL. You can probably guess what it's about from the title, but the lyrics kind of help explain the motivation for us writing this whole thing in the first place. It's a one-sided 7" (the first one of those we've done) and looks really cool. The missing piece is the "The Other Shoe/The Truest Road" 7" that we are also selling on tour, which tells the story of Nick Fenstle, who owns the Lightbulb Factory
Random Facts About The Artwork:
-David Eliade is Ian from the band $100
-Vivian Benson is our friend Kate who is also on the cover of "The Beat and the Pulse" by Austra
-Octavio St Laurant is a Beggars Banquet employee
-The town on th Byrdesdale 7" is where Ben's real life mom was born
-It's the same lightbulb on each cover (and the back cover of DTCL, and the front)
-Nick Fenstle is Josh's Dad, and every member of Josh's family appears on the cover of DCTL
-The thing in the bottom right corner is the Fucked Up logo

As I've written on here before, this collection of records is meant to act as a prologue to David Comes to Life. We wrote these songs at the same time as the 18th that are on DCTL (other than the ones we wrote five years ago) and when we realized the record would be too long if it had 26 songs (and no, it's not too long as is, in case you are gonna crack wise) so these became the prologue, meant to describe the characters and the setting in a bit more detail. Either way, your DCTL collection is incomplete without these records. The last one is "Octavio Made the Bomb" which effectively is the epilogue to DCTL. You can probably guess what it's about from the title, but the lyrics kind of help explain the motivation for us writing this whole thing in the first place. It's a one-sided 7" (the first one of those we've done) and looks really cool. The missing piece is the "The Other Shoe/The Truest Road" 7" that we are also selling on tour, which tells the story of Nick Fenstle, who owns the Lightbulb Factory
Random Facts About The Artwork:
-David Eliade is Ian from the band $100
-Vivian Benson is our friend Kate who is also on the cover of "The Beat and the Pulse" by Austra
-Octavio St Laurant is a Beggars Banquet employee
-The town on th Byrdesdale 7" is where Ben's real life mom was born
-It's the same lightbulb on each cover (and the back cover of DTCL, and the front)
-Nick Fenstle is Josh's Dad, and every member of Josh's family appears on the cover of DCTL
-The thing in the bottom right corner is the Fucked Up logo
"Octavio Made the Bomb" really enhanced my appreciation of the record (from an already very high level).
And oh how I laughed and laughed!
Ted Leo co-writing credits all over these songs. I'm for it.
Couple of the download tracks didn't have album artwork. Any chance you'll post those (the artwork, not the songs) individually?
So now that (most) of the DCTL satellite material is released, if anyone wants to listen to it front to back is there a recommended order?
I got mine and am ready to go.
1) It's "T. Leo" not "Ted Leo"
2) We are doing a Red Stockings LP
That T. Leo stuff threw me off too. I asked Damian about it in Philly and felt sorta silly afterwards. A Redstockings LP would be incredible!
Is that not the guy from K records on "Do all words can do" ?
REDSTOCKINGS LP?!?! Aww yeah- all Sandy, all da time.
Please do a Wavy Originals LP 2 plz ttyl imu <3
Can you guys list a single The Other Shoe 7" on your webbystore and e-mail me right after it's up so I can order it? plz n thx rofl lol FU ~-swag-~
The album isn't long enough, it should stretch over a couple of days.
This is now my second favourite concept album after Hawkwinds Chronicle Of The Black Sword.
Matt, regarding running order, you could try this:
1. The prologue singles
2. The album
3. The epilogue single
Or you could put the whole lot on shuffle?
Jass, look and you will find. I'm not posting a link here as it would spoil the purity of obscurity thing, but to give you a clue, it's not a smooth exchange. Be assured though buying it is cheap and easy.
If you get desperate, post an email address on here and I'll send you a link.
I thought about a possible running order for the whole David Comes to Life Saga (Fuckhards instead of Twihards)
1. Do All Words Can Do
2. What Would You Do?
3. Remember Me
4. The Truest Road
5. Byrdesdale Garden City
6-16. David's Town
17. Step Into the Light
18. What They Didn't Know
19-36. David Comes to Life
37. Octavio Made the Bomb
Repeat after 2 1/2 hours.
Don't e-mail the anon named "jass." If he's going to pretend like he's me to find out where to buy The Other Shoe, he could have at least entered the name correctly. I'm still looking for it. Don't email that choad.
Yo, anon, I finally got yer hint bout where the 7" is after I posted not to email that douche. derp. It sucks that its overseas but better than paying some loser $848575830 on da bay. So thanks...and, really, don't e-mail that choad.
Well done the proper Jass. I had noticed that fundamental flaw in offering to email the link.
I didn't think the clue was too cryptic, if anyone else wants a hint it's tough babe.
i Don't get the hint....
thanks for the hint guy! same place i got the sarena maneesh split waaaaay before it was available anywhere else, best birthday ever!
all your chronology theories are missing david's plan, david christmas, the truest road, and the actual song david comes to life from hidden world, jsut throwin that out thar
Does DCTL play out in an alternate universe? David killed himself in the song David Comes To Life, right, or did he just realize suicide is his only option but bished out and kept on keeping on? Unless this is like the Legend of Zelda where there's a different David in every song in the David series.
Unless David really did kill himself and DCTL takes place in heaven but, in a twist not even M. Night Shalamalamadingdong could concoct, he discovers heaven is really hell after Veronica's death and he succumbs to the gravity of his discovery. Octavio is the serpent but I don't know who Vivian would be. Just a harlot?
Anyway, DCTL is actually the members of FU, more prominently Mike and Damian, coming to grips with their spiritual crisis in the midst of their godless mid-life. All they write about anyway are god and jesus and the holy bible. They're just closet Christians struggling with trying to be punx in a godless movement.
Can someone explain the T. Leo thing to me? I also don't know what you mean by "Redstockings"?
Christmas and Plan depict children on the covers so they would be before DCTL the album. DCTL the song says David "was a boy" so that also seems to belong early in the sequence too. But they seem more like self-contained songs so I'd exclude them from the chronology.
I guess this is what you mean about the comments getting weird. Where is sonicmoremusic when you need him?
I think the Hidden World DCTL song comes at the end.
He has a plan, he gets a job in a factory, falls in love, goes mad, gets better, has a great Christmas.
Then he commits suicide.
Why do you think he committed suicide after Christmas. I think its cuz every experience, however minute, culminated into that one joyous night and, as his complements to life and an experience with emotions that will never again be equaled, he offed himself at the peak of his bliss. Das jus my hypothesis.
Or he's a schizophrenic transvestite; and Vivian is his alter-ego. He goes into a coma after dressing up as a lady and trying to kill himself.
His spirit leaves his body, all he has to do is step into the light, but he looks back, sees the medics trying to revive him, he thinks 'let her rest', but the medics have pumped him full of drugs and he has a rock opera in his head.
I don't know about T. Leo, but Redstockings is one of the bands on the David's Town comp.
I'd love to know how many Anonymous's there are. There might be loads of them, or there might just be two of us, or it might just be me and I'm a mental.
I make up a bunch of anons. Every anon with a name that isn't normal (e.g. Matt, Joe) is me, but I'm aannoonnyymmoouuss so you don't know who "I" am. I'm also every person who comments with their Google profile (e.g. Jay, TenderBranson, HiddenWorld). Also, if I'm not posting as some rhyme/variation of the word "Anonymous" or names that Bart would use when calling Moe's Tavern in the Simpsons, I'm posting simply as "Anonymous."
Basically, I am everyone and everyone is I. We're all connected. You have swallowed the red pill.
Do you get it now?
Welcome to the matrix.
No, I only kid. I'm not really Morpheus.
I am Cornholio, I need TP for my bunghole.
Just kidding about the Beavis and Butthead, guys.
Maybe this can get weird again so we get new news everyday ?
PS I am the walrus.
Great album.
Only downside for me is that the story and lyrics in general is a bit of a melancholy,depressive downer that fill me with nostalgia and toughts of a girl I used to now and at the same time the music psyched me a bit.
I will dig into the lyrics a bit deeper in the weekend to check if there's some relief to be found as well.
The next album should be about sunshine and happiness or just
a comedy hardcore album, that's also kind of a concept.
They have some at the shows (at least in Boston). Or you can check ebay but don't pay a dumb amount for it. I bought mine for like 18 dollars on RSD but it seems to have settled in at 30 on ebay
"COMING TO THE WEBSTORE THIS 4TH OF JULY: Other Shoe 7", all 4 DCTL-related 7"s and David's Town 12". If you buy on ebay you're a sucker. ALSO: All orders placed between June 13-July 3 will be sent out July 4."
you guys are getting warmer
Am I going to have to rip these to mp3s or are they floating around somewhere?
Cryptic clue: The link below will take you to a 'record store' in the uk that has David's Town.
Hey folks,
How many of The Other Shoe 7" were made?
Jut make up a number when you put in on ebay.
''Limited to 500 copies. Only available on uk tour''
Get it on there quick before Mike remembers he has another 50 crates stashed away somewhere.
Oh, as Ry points out, Mike has remembered.
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I want to update the Discogs listing. eBay is hilarious. All those people who got susckered with David's Town pressing info..
Looking at their tour merch stash, they seem to have plenty of stuff including things like Daytrotter (regular cover) which people try to sling for 30 bucks on ebay--and people are worried about this year's RSD record. I think the moral is not to stress immediately about the limited things and fuck those ebay jerkz who are trying to sell (and probs will) the 4 DCTL 7"s for 80 dollars. Buying from the band means it's cheaper and they get more of that well-deserved money (for drugs).
if these 7"s are going to be available from you guys on tour and on yer cartel thing, why didn't i just bypass the buy early shit and go to an actual record shop???!
fooking record companies are ruining records!
....oh, i forgot! the poster! THE FUCKING POSTER??!
....i didn't even get any postcards (which incidentally real life record shop do seem to have!).
Yeah it's kind of weird to be told there will only be as many pressed as were pre ordered and then there are a bunch more. Guess it could have been that it was rounded off at a higher number because plants wont press 2015 or whatever and this is the excess? Not a big deal, just not really what I expected. Excelsior!
i love fucked up....but i love shopping at rough trade west more.
...sorry to this a complaint?
last thing, i promise! just got home from work, it's friday, still no 7" records!?
sorry...i love you?
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Whats the point of having a pre order that comes with special 7" records and mp3s if you are just going to sell them all in your online store right after? Everything that was given as a bonus to justify the extra cost of buying the pre order you either gave away for free or now sell as a regular release in your store.
yeah. assholes
From the BEGN website:
"We are pressing the 7"es based on demand, which is why it is absolutely mandatory that as soon as you get your unique code (upon receipt of purchase) you log in to this here site. This way we'll know exactly - or very close - how many 7"es to make. Thus the exclusive remains exclusive."
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So it's been nearly a month now and the 4 7"s still haven't arrived, despite chasing them with Sandbags (the company sending them out in the UK via the BEGN site) and being told that they will be posted out, every week. Still nothing.
I'm feeling slightly cheated here as do a lot of others I've spoken too who are still waiting for the 7"s to arrive, yet you can now get them at shows and on the store.
I'm beginning to give up hope that they will ever arrive and will just have to buy them from the store instead.
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