Attention Extreme Blog Commentors (EBC): Damian now has his own blog, where you can make tons of comments about how hot he is, how much you'd like to see a sex tape of him, and various other topics, not including house music, liverpool football club, music, things that are cool, and other topics not already covered on this blog. It's right HERE so remember to book market, because he tends to update is blogs atleast once every six months. Note the hilarious title.
One thing we haven't talked about for a while is records. We are still putting those out.
For now, you can get our MIXTAPE VOLUME 4 from us on tour. If you aren't seeing us, maybe you'll be able to get a copy from somewhere in the future.

The long lost No Epiphany 7" is finally going to come out. It will be available on Matador in about a month and a half. The bside features a remix of the tune from our bros in NO AGE, that rips.

Finally, some of you may have noticed that in New York and Philadelphia, a few copies of the Year of the Rat 12" accidentally slipped into existence. If you got one, you are lucky. The rest will be released with a real cover and etc around the same time as No Epiphany, and we should have both in time for the UK tour in March.
One thing we haven't talked about for a while is records. We are still putting those out.
For now, you can get our MIXTAPE VOLUME 4 from us on tour. If you aren't seeing us, maybe you'll be able to get a copy from somewhere in the future.

The long lost No Epiphany 7" is finally going to come out. It will be available on Matador in about a month and a half. The bside features a remix of the tune from our bros in NO AGE, that rips.

Finally, some of you may have noticed that in New York and Philadelphia, a few copies of the Year of the Rat 12" accidentally slipped into existence. If you got one, you are lucky. The rest will be released with a real cover and etc around the same time as No Epiphany, and we should have both in time for the UK tour in March.

what the hell? so you won't have the Year of the Rat 12" at the shows in L.A.?
Heya!! Photos from the recent Philly show here in my myspace photo blog:
It was great, thanks a lot!!! :)
Accidentaly eh? Yeah right. And you "accidentally" sold me a blank white label, no cover copy of the Year Of The Dog 12" in Montreal... ;~)
hey mike, if damien is getting a bit above his station i'd gladly step in (UK shows only).
i'm 18st and i'd def wretch with a mouthful of fake snow....that's fake snow.
Great show last night.
I took some photos and thought you might be interested in seeing them. Feel free to use them however you want. Thanks for signing my copy of Hidden World (it's spinning right now).
Safe Journey.
check out a video from the recent show in philly
I wonder how much I can get for YOTR on ebay?
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