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Friday, June 19, 2009


I've just been informed that the band we're playing with in New York in July is not PONYTALE, as I spelled it, but in fact PONYTAIL, which, upon reflection, is closer to a correct spelling that I had originally assumed. Also note that the name is not spelled PONYTTALE, PONNYTAIL, POVVES or any other ridiculous double letter mumbo jumbo! Further evidence:

ohnatgct: i just got a new iphone
that line was nuts
me: what line
Sent at 11:57 PM on Friday
johnatgct: the line to get a new phone
hey can you spell ponytail right on your blog
me: oh yeah i heard about that
how do you spell it?
johnatgct: ponytail
me: how did i spell it?
johnatgct: ponytale
me: woah
i'm gonna make a seperate post about this
Sent at 12:01 AM on Saturday
johnatgct: ok i;m out
me: peace
Sent at 12:02 AM on Saturday