
Wow an update, I can't believe it's really happening. Firstly, happy valentines day. I'm waiting here for some dude to call for an interview so I figured I'd spread some of this new information.
Here is the stuff we are doing in October:
Friday October 6 Montreal Pop Festival
1am Secret Show @ Venue TBA
Saturday October 7th Montreal Pop Festival
PETIT CAFÉ CAMPUS - 57 Prince-Arthur est
Then we are going out to Halifax to play the Halifax Pop Explosion. Here are the shows they have us doing:
Friday October 20 @ Stage Nine
$8 10pm 19+
Fucked Up
the Tom Fun Orchestra
Die Brucke
Windom Earle
Saturday October 21 @ Stage Nine
$10 6:30 All-ages
Fucked Up
Holy Shroud
the Hold
Be Bad
Get Tested
We'll probably have a few free hours, so if you can think of anything fun to do in Halifax, Canada, please let us know.
Don't forget the Record Release Shows.
email epicsinminutes@gmail.com for tickets.
Friday Oct 27th Toronto
@ El Mocambo 464 Spadina Ave
8PM $12 19+
Fucked Up
Born Dead Icons
Righteous Jams
Pissed Jeans
Mind Eraser
Brain Handle
Friday Afterparty
@ The White Orchid 812 Dundas St. West
1AM Free All Ages
The Regulations
Brutal Knights
The Bayonettes
Saturday, October 28th
@ The Kathedral 651 Queen Street West
6PM $15 All Ages
9 Shocks Terror
Fucked Up
The Regulations
Criminal Damage
The Darvocets
Formaldehyde Junkies
Saturday Afterparty
@ The White Orchid 812 Dundas St. West
1AM Free All Ages
Career Suicide
The Inmates
Urban Blight
Sunday Matinee
@ The White Orchid 812 Dundas St. West
1PM $5 All Ages
The Regulations
Attack In Black
Sailboats Are White
Ninja Highschool
Dirty BS
Sunday, October 29th
@ El Mocambo 464 Spadina Ave
8PM $10 19+
*3rd Annual Fucked Up Hallowe'en Party*
Fucked Up
Cold World
Creeping Nobodies
Wyrd Visions

Also, we're going out on the road a little bit to promote "Hidden World", the record. Expect these shows to happen in November, along with some other ones we haven't confirmed yet.
Thursday November 2nd
Knitting Factory NYC CMJ
HIDDEN WORLD (we have to play under this name for legal reasons)
Thursday Nov 2nd
The Cake Shop Manhattan
Vice CMJ After Party
Friday Nov 3rd
North Six Brooklyn CMJ 66 N. 6th St 11211
7pm 16+ $15
Jade Tree CMJ Showcase
These Arms are Snakes
David Bazan
Fucked Up
Micah P. Hinson
Young Widows
Panda and Angel
We play around 1130.
Drinkers, get there early for the free Pabst Blue Ribbon from 7 to 9.
Purchase advance tickets online from TicketWeb.
Friday Nov 3rd
538 Johnson Avenue #201
Brooklyn NY
11pm $5
FUCKED UP (featuring a drunk Gulag on vocals)

Saturday Nov 4th
First Unitarian Church Philly (2125 Chestnut St.)
All Ages/$8/3PM *Matinee*
+hopefully one more insane addition
Get advance tickets here.

Sunday Nov 5th
Mr Roboto Project Pittsburgh (Wilkinsburg) 722 Wood St
7PM (right after the Steelers game) $6/$5 members
Monday Nov 6th
@ venue TBA Cleveland Ohio
W/ Bands TBA
The new thing we're into now is Remixes. Nick from Cold World just did a great one, Gulag's friend is about to drop one, our loyal engineer Hegge just busted one out, so there is plenty to look for. If you've got the gear, get in touch. Plus if Sebastien or Bangalter are reading this, also get in touch!

Lastly, this was done by our friend Alex Snelgrove. Soon you'll be able to get it on a tshirt.
OH YEAH. I almost forgot THIS. Its from CBC radio one last saturday.
great work guys!
keep touring hard!!!
When the hell are ya'll coming out to Denver?
I saw the singer's interview on MTV Canada tonight and I thought I'd drop a line. I thought the "tactics" by MTV to flash negative quotes about straight edge during the interview was calculated. Not only did they get their point across that straight edge is considered a “gang” or “suburban terrorists,” but they also left the interviewees in the dark about the real message of their report. I recall seeing the America’s most Wanted episode many years ago featuring Battery, In my eyes, and Earth Crisis in which a similar situation occurred. The outcome was a quasi-media-blackout from many Straight edgers in response to this.
I believe that with the release of American Hardcore it is best to air on the side of caution when being interviewed by large media conglomerates about straight edge, punk, and hardcore. As we have seen here, no kid will have their say as long as they control your participation.
Anyhow, see you on the 6th in Montreal.
After party in Montreal....after "pop" montreal show :
FUCKED UP + BORN DEAD ICONS / 5$ / 1AM / L'ESCO (St Denis St/Mont Royal Ave.) October 6 /
Whoa. Let’s just take a step back, now, shall we? First of all, I’d like to apologize on behalf of the Chapel Hill band, Schooner, for being from Chapel Hill. That we went to school in Chapel Hill and the surrounding areas of Chapel Hill, and then decided to stay in Chapel Hill to play music in Chapel Hill must have, now that you mention it, all have been in the interest of having access to the proprietary use of the words “Chapel” and “Hill.” For street cred, you see. And I would like to personally thank one Stanley S. Birge for pointing that out. You remind me of a girl I used to know in middle school. It’s interesting, too, that from the dizzying heights of slanderous self-loathing, the very same Stanley Sleuth-Shumaker could detect the royal blood of Sir Schooner. This is also something of which I was not aware, and will rush right over to beat the truth out of my teacher-parents’ golden credit cards. How dare my padded parents allow us to incur those unnecessary debts traveling to Montreal to play music upon the hallowed grounds of a self-depraved “music critic” and his minions. Until today, Montreal stood in my consiousness as a pillar of positive energy, but this Stanley has thankfully sullied it up a bit. Given it that deserving hateful edge. And try as I might to let it flavor the city’s brilliance with a urine-caked abhorrence, I cannot. For the critique of said Stanley S. Stansonberry is just too absurd, too permeable; and the city’s luminosity too exceptional to be blighted by a cold north wind. But the pointed daggers that lace the astute Stanley’s assessment of the Chapel Hill band, Schooner, do give way to love and understanding. Piercing the surface of our precious swollen egos, we are left to self-reflect. In retrospect, we must be circumspect of the things we try and protect. So thank you for that little gem of a review, Mr. Stanley Birge. Though I’d have to say that you’re really more of a dirge. One needs not be too inundated by waves of such revulsion; but if one is unable to stray, it is better to pose a structured argument for opposition than a less-credible slander-fest. People will be more likely to believe you that way than to feel pity for your journalistic misfortune. Good luck to you in your future endeavors. It's not your fault. It's not your fault. It's not your fault. Sincerely, Kathryn—Schooner
Whoa. Let’s just take a step back, now, shall we? First of all, I’d like to apologize on behalf of the Chapel Hill band, Schooner, for being from Chapel Hill. That we went to school in Chapel Hill and the surrounding areas of Chapel Hill, and then decided to stay in Chapel Hill to play music in Chapel Hill must have, now that you mention it, all have been in the interest of having access to the proprietary use of the words “Chapel” and “Hill.” For street cred, you see. And I would like to personally thank one Stanley S. Birge for pointing that out. You remind me of a girl I used to know in middle school. It’s interesting, too, that from the dizzying heights of slanderous self-loathing, the very same Stanley Sleuth-Shumaker could detect the royal blood of Sir Schooner. This is also something of which I was not aware, and will rush right over to beat the truth out of my teacher-parents’ golden credit cards. How dare my padded parents allow us to incur those unnecessary debts traveling to Montreal to play music upon the hallowed grounds of a self-depraved “music critic” and his minions. Until today, Montreal stood in my consiousness as a pillar of positive energy, but this Stanley has thankfully sullied it up a bit. Given it that deserving hateful edge. And try as I might to let it flavor the city’s brilliance with a urine-caked abhorrence, I cannot. For the critique of said Stanley S. Stansonberry is just too absurd, too permeable; and the city’s luminosity too exceptional to be blighted by a cold north wind. But the pointed daggers that lace the astute Stanley’s assessment of the Chapel Hill band, Schooner, do give way to love and understanding. Piercing the surface of our precious swollen egos, we are left to self-reflect. In retrospect, we must be circumspect of the things we try and protect. So thank you for that little gem of a review, Mr. Stanley Birge. Though I’d have to say that you’re really more of a dirge. One needs not be too inundated by waves of such revulsion; but if one is unable to stray, it is better to pose a structured argument for opposition than a less-credible slander-fest. People will be more likely to believe you that way than to feel pity for your journalistic misfortune. Good luck to you in your future endeavors. It's not your fault. It's not your fault. It's not your fault. Sincerely, Kathryn—Schooner
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