Euro Dates

Ok here are the confirmed finalized dates for the short European Tour in Dec-Jan. We apologize that we aren't playing Serbia, or Argentina, or Israel, or Alert, or Helsinki, but it's really hard to pay for plane tickets when you have to spend $150 euros a day on petrol. With any luck, we'll be in North Korea soon.
December (all dates with Fleeting Joys)
27.12. London (UK), Old Blue Last (w/ Uffie)
28.12. Manchester (UK), Star and Garter (w/ Electronic)
29.12. Leeds (UK), The Fenton (w/ Le Who)
30.12. Sheffield (UK), DnR Bar (w/ Heaven 17)
31.12. London (UK), The Luminaire (w/ Lily Allen)
January (all dates with Asobi Seksu)
01.01. Den Haag (NL), Hague (w/ Klaus Ule and the Archive Brothers)
02.01. Brugge (B), Bargehuis
03.01. Münster (Ger), Gleis 22
04.01. Hamburg (Ger), Hafenklang (w/ St Pauli Players)
05.01. Kiel (Ger), Alte Meierei
06.01. Leipzig (Ger), Zorro
07.01. Berlin (Ger), Cassopeia (w/ Peaches)
08.01. Prag (CZ), 007
09.01. München (Ger), Kafe Kult
10.01. Saarbrücken (Ger), Kleiner Club Garage
11.01. Mannheim (Ger), JuZ
12.01. Bielefeld (Ger), AJZ
13.01. Barcelona (E), TDN (w/ Eskorbuto)
As an added bonus, since we've been having some trouble with you-know-who, we've scheduled way too many shows in the general Ontario area, which is a province in Canada.
Here are some dates we'll have more info on later.
Nov 25 - Ottawa (Cafe Deckuf - that's "Fucked" spelled backwards btw)
Nov 28 - Toronto (CIUT Radio 730AM) *tentative
Nov 30 - Toronto (MTV)
Dec 2 - Sudbury
Dec 16 - Toronto (Opera House)
Dec 18 - Toronto (Kool Haus)
Dec 9 -Toronto (Kool Haus)
Jan 19 - St Catherines
Jan 20 - Guelph
Jan 27 - Kingston
Feb 3 - Peterborough
Feb 7 - Waterloo
Feb 9 - Toronto (Wavelength Anniversary @ The Horseshoe)

Stay Tuned.
no more thornhill dates :(?
i thought this would be the first fucked up show I could get to within 5 minutes by riding my bike.
if you want to book a thornhill show email
You should come to Russia! We never get any good bands touring here!
damn I was looking forward to a Brampton show, if I knew a damn thing about booking a show or didn't have so much shit piled in my basement I would, ah well guess i will have to keep making the trek to toronto
hey, in israel you dont need no petrol. havent you read Felix von havoc's Code13 Israel "tour"?. here you are taken everywhere, you get to eat at the best hummus places. here things are easy, the only thing you'll have a hard time from is feeling bad that you dont
have enough time to jump to sinai for a couple of days. you may loose some money here because you might not be able to cover up 5 plane tickets (although from munich or berlin a ticket can be
maximum 199$ at the right season,
like now), but thats why you have germany shows for - to cover up the loses of the better shows that are usually played outside of centre western europe.
Have the Toronto dates been alexisonfire shows...?
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