Sweet seduction in a magazine Endless pleasure in a limousine In the back shakes a tambourine Nicotine from a silver screen

In the music Say the word See the light Join the herd Love it comes Love it goes Diamond memories Go with the flow
Remember back to last year when we made the post about Looking For Gold, the record. Well, we went back into the studio last week to re-consider it and remix it. Previously the only way to get this song was to a) own the 12" or b) get a ripped version online. Since the original 12" was double grooved, the sound quality suffered from cutting the groove in half, making the thing a bit quieter. The mp3 was ripped from the vinyl, so it didn't sound amazing either. This new version has some levels pumped up, but also isn't compresed into a smaller groove, so it's lounder and clearer. Plus, we put some new stuff in.
Sometime in the next few weeks we'll officially release this as a high quality file, with artwork and everything, online, for free. For now, here are the lyrics and the mp3. Click Here.
Looking For Gold
With heads for tails we've wrapped around the world
Our amber paths are etched to globes in code
We ride on tigers through fields of young and old
We search among you men looking for gold
Within the mines of human minds we seek to gain the Masters of the Name:
Are you the fire or just another flame?
We are the fluids that dance upon the rest
We follow deeper laws possesed within this mess
We perch atop the very writhing beast
Out of reach are we from all its claws and teeth
Our lives are shot to god from living bows
We live in streams of mercury
We're a current through the centuries
As legends fade and Kali wakes
Our fate owes no faith to this age
So we spend the final days looking for gold
The smoke that rises from our stone will turn this world to dust
High and low, above below
We look in places no one goes
To boil the base and to transmute the world
We Pan the rivers endlessly
To forge a golden dynasty
Our chemistry turns living into light.
We beat the drum to stir the elements
They seperate to liberate the best
Our suns are rising west transcend the meek
Our laws will part the golden from the weak
The bees decide who listens and who speaks
Their golden mead is fed to heads we keep
New worlds and paths do these new minds concieve
Not those who could become but those who be
We wont rest until the Golden Dawn
We fight with our black books in this grim war...
Whole in the broken, straight in the bent
We make the muddy waters clear
We plunge to depths unknown for the adepts
We secure conditions for the rest
And we rise
On horses black we plunder through
The white with serpents eggs strapped to
Our backs are turned against the silver moon
Transcend transmute to absolutes
The serpent sun illuminates
Our golden age where all the lead is gone
Also remember - Uffie says: if anyone tries to sell you a Fucked Up/Haymaker split 7" (clear vinyl) or a Fucked Up live 12" (blue/orange wax) on ebay for a lot of money, don't let them! These records just came out in the last few months and we still have some at our compound for sale. Not over the internet of course, but in person for sure.

And this at merciless Royal St Georges where eight years ago the luckless Dane blundered into a closing-stretch meltdown in the final round that saw him blow a three shot lead with four holes to go and gift the title to a then unheralded Ben Curtis.
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Thank you for the information, and healthy greetings.
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Thank you for the information, and healthy greetings.
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Thank you for the information, and healthy greetings.
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Thank you for the information, and healthy greetings.
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Thank you for the information, and healthy greetings.
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Thank you for the information, and healthy greetings.
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Thank you for the information, and healthy greetings.
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Thank you for the information, and healthy greetings.
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Thank you for the information, and healthy greetings.
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Obat Syaraf Kejepit Tradisional
Thank you for the information, and healthy greetings.
Waspada Gejala Awal Batu Ginjal
Kenali tanda awal terkena radang usus buntu
Thank you for the information, and healthy greetings.
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Thank you for the information, and healthy greetings.
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Thank you for the information, and healthy greetings.
Obat Mastitis Tradisional
Thank you for the information, and healthy greetings.
Obat Glaukoma Akut Tradisional Halal
Thank you for the information, and healthy greetings.
Hal pemicu serangan jantung yang tak pernah disadari wanita
Thank you for the information, and healthy greetings.
Gejala yang wajib diketahui sebelum serangan jantung datang
Thank you for the information, and healthy greetings.
Kenapa serangan jantung sering terjadi saat pagi hari
Thank you for the information, and healthy greetings.
Suka minum kopi instan? Hati-hati dengan serangan diabetes
Thank you for the information, and healthy greetings.
Hipotensi dan Hipertensi, Mana yang Lebih Berbahaya
Hipotensi dan Hipertensi, Mana yang Lebih Berbahaya
Hipotensi dan Hipertensi, Mana yang Lebih Berbahaya
Thank you for the information, and healthy greetings.
Waspada Gejala Awal Batu Ginjal
Waspada Gejala Awal Batu Ginjal
Waspada Gejala Awal Batu Ginjal
Thank you for the information, and healthy greetings.
Hindari makanan ini saat terkena batu ginjal
Hindari makanan ini saat terkena batu ginjal
Hindari makanan ini saat terkena batu ginjal
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