
So, we always understood it as fact, but it's become apparent that the bad guys really is using the power of the subconscious to control us and take our money. Turns out some video slot machines in this country have been programmed to spit winning images out at the player in rapid 5th of a second bursts to rope the subconscious into thinking it's using a winning machine.
Konami, the globoration behind video games like the Castlevania series, and the more mind-melting Dance Dance Revolution arcade set ups, is the manufacturer of the slot consoles that flash jackpot images at the player ever two seconds. We spent the day today listening to Konami officials explaining the flashed messages as a "programming malfunction", and wondering why the CBC was taking slow-motion footage of slot machines in the first place. Who's playing who?
We had our man Octavio St. Laurent do a little research, and he was able to track down this mechanical engineer to help us understand what's going on:
This is the war of symbols, with the subconscious as the prize. Recall the power of the subconscious to make materialize your commands through sigils, but also its inclination to succumb to the more powerful symbols and psycho-direction signs of our modern red-light-green-light culture.
Here is a recent FU interview that was aired on an AM station in NYC.
If you want hear Fucked Up songs on television, go to the new VICE TV station, and find the links to David Choe's "Thumbs Up". Hidden World is the soundtrack.
Speaking of Hidden World, someone just released it on 8-Track.
Also due to some internal BS, we had to cancel our show this Wednesday with the Viletones. The show is still happening, so you should go:
A Benefit for the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty
Everything new is old again!
Art Auction and Celebration of 25 Years of Toronto Rebel Culture
Wednesday February 28
at the Gladstone Hotel
1214 Queen Street W. Corner of Gladstone and Queen
Doors Open at 7pm
Music after 10pm
* Steven Leckie and the Viletones
shitsteak. i was looking forward for that show on wednesday.
25 cent with a 777. call that a conspiracy sure. keep digging. and wtf only 25 years of t.o. rebel culture?
that is insane. its unreal what people would do for money, anyways, you guys played at red square in st Catherine's January 19th, i took a bunch of photos of you guys there posted here...
just though you might be interested.
off topic but.....
when is fucked up coming to minnesota?
i REALLY wanna see you guys play vivian girls and honestly since picking up hidden world i feel that this record is our generations zen arcade.
its fucking epic and it brings the serotonin all the way from the back of my fucking brain out in a plethora of color and intense emotional rage.
music is my drug and fucked up is my heroin
im not trying to kiss your asses, i just really love this music
Nice post. Thanks
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