Sex work, the "oldest profession" has always been one of those tricky jobs made into a languid moral debate that places practitioners into the dangerous no-mans land of legal limbo. Like the war on drugs, prostitution is never going to disappear, and attempts made to its further criminalization only make sex work extremely dangerous for those who do it.
We're putting out "Year of the Pig" in June, which will address some of the issues brought up in 2007 surrounding of sex work, specifically the trial of Robert Pickton in British Columbia, following the disappearance of more than 60 prostitutes. All too often victims are made the scape goats, chosen to characterize and wear the sin or moral outrage society chooses to place on particular activities. While it is prostitutes who are arrested, raped and murdered trying to make a living, they are also made to internalize and launder our own guilt and shame surrounding these issues.
SPOC, the Sex Professionals of Canada, work to make prostitution (which is not illegal in Canada) a safer occupation for its practitioners. They work to decriminalize those aspects of sex work that remain illegal (read the article), work to organize prostitutes toward activism and maintain a "bad date list" as a safety measure against bad johns.
Hard issues like sex work, drugs, poverty are issues that people are often afraid to face head on, yet usually have direct effects on people who they make live or work most closest to. SPOC deals with these issues every day, and we are proud to make this attempt to support their work. So please flood the block for this benefit:
AT THE TRANZAC CLUB (Corner of Bloor and Brunswick)
7pm ALL AGES $10
Performing the "Hidden World" LP in its entirety)
In the next few days we'll be announcing more bands and shows so stay tuned.
To get advanced tickets email epicsinminutes AT gmail.com.
PS who the fuck is clockcleaner?
C.J. Frederick
"sex workers".
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The SPOC is a little messed with their view of decriminalization. Check out http://gitnr.blogspot.com/2007/08/rejecting-decriminalization-of.html for a reality check.
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