Mr. Soul

Hey, we played the BBC in England a few weeks ago. They have kindly chopped our part into this handy embedded player:
The Radio 1 Punk Show with Mike Davies
Here is an article a guy sent me about Hidden World, THE ALBUM.
Here is a note from SPOC. And here:
We thank all the bands, and everyone else that has put so much effort into making this benefit happen. Thanks also to Seripop for the poster. SPOC members will be at the Tranzac and in only a few fun moments will turn virtually every audience member into our pimps under the Canadian Criminal Code. Feel free to wear your own version of pimp fashion. "
Here is an article in today's Toronto Star about the benefit we are throwing tommorow.
Sex workers' fundraiser Saturday
Jun 01, 2007 02:54 PM
Sheila Dabu
Staff Reporter
A Toronto-based sex workers' advocacy group kicks off its inaugural fundraiser on Saturday in support of its constitutional challenge to Canada's prostitution laws.
According to Wendy Babcock, spokesperson of the Sex Professionals of Canada, there is an "urban genocide" against thousands of sex-trade workers across the country.
"It's really important to fight violence against women and violence against sex workers. I think this court challenge, if it wins, can actually save lives," she said.
The group is challenging three provisions of the Criminal Code related to Canada's solicitation laws. The group had its first hearing at the Ontario Superior Court on Thursday. The next hearing is scheduled for Sept. 4. In Canada, prostitution is in legal limbo. The act of prostitution itself is legal, but activities related to it aren't.
According to Babcock, the group expects to raise $10,000 overall, although she adds that the cost of the legal challenge would be at least $50,000. The funds raised will cover travel and accommodation costs for about 10 witnesses.
Babcock said if the legal team, led by Osgoode Hall law professor Allan Young, Hadn't taken the case on as pro-bono, it would have cost the organization about $800,000.
Amit Thakor, one of the members of Young's legal team, said the Robert Pickton serial murder trial in British Columbia is a "gruesome example" of how dangerous sex work can be.
According to a December Commons subcommittee report, there were 171 female sex-trade workers murdered from 1991 to 2004, 45 per cent of which remain unsolved. A 2006 Statistics Canada report said women in the sex trade are extremely vulnerable to violence which "often goes unnoticed."
Detective Wendy Leaver of Toronto Police's special victims unit said violence is a daily threat for sex workers.
"The real myth out there is that being physical or sexual assaulted is part of your job as a sex worker, but it isn't," Leaver said.
A punk rock fundraiser will be held at the Tranzac Club on Saturday at 7 p.m. On June 10, "Red Light Night" at Goodhandy's bar will feature burlesque entertainment.
Monthly fundraisers are scheduled to follow.
Also the NME says people are talking about us. You should like us.

"Black hats" sound like it would make a great show opener!
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