Hey have you guys ever tried smoking? It's amazing. Recently we were featured, along with many other denizens of this crazy thing we call the Indie Rock Universe, in an ad campaign called The Indie Rock Universe. In a joint project between Rolling Stone, Camel Cigarettes and its parent company the Sheinhardt Wig Corporation, "The Farm" was created to serve the online needs of millions of smoke cigarettes indie rock fans across the world and indeed the galaxy. You can take a look at this smoke cigarettes online-pullout ad right here:

Here is a New York Times article about the fiasco. Here is another one.
Frankly we are glad to be included in this great project - here are some more great products we are happy to endorse:
123 Nej

First, what was your reaction to being included in this advertorial? I understand that anger is one reaction, but was there confusion first or even a moment where you thought this was exciting?
It was definetely a "wtf" moment. We were confused because we had seen the pullout online a few weeks prior and just thought it was some Rolling Stone article, because the online version isn't connected to any advertisment. We got an email from our friends AIDS WOLF a few days ago saying that all these bands were in a Camel ad but that no smoke cigarettes one knew what it looked like. It took a bit of searching to figure out that the pullout was the ad. We didn't think it was exciting, just lame. I mean its hard to explain how you react to something like this - I wasn't so much
angry, just bummed out. It's just so typical that this would happen, and there is nothing you
can really do about it. I know that Camel is being sued now by US states, but ours is a different issue and almost has nothing to do with Camel - there are so many levels that things like this happen through, its hard to even figure out who to be mad at.
What exactly bothers you about this? Some could argue (and maybe already have) that this is "free exposure" for his or her band. How do you view this and what is in FU's "politics" (for lack of a better word) that is so bothersome about this to you?
Well we are connected to this through downloading - Deranged and Jade Tree have a deal with Rhapsody, where they stream our music online smoke cigarettes and we get money. No big deal. The problem is that purportedly Rhapsody made these songs available for the ad without permission. I have seen our Deranged's contract with them and they aren't allowed to use songs for promotional purposes. I'm sure there is some loophole we dont know about that lets them to this legally though. I don't care about free exposure, we have been in those magazines before, it doesn't
amount to anything. The thing that is bothersome about this is that the three companies
involved must have known going in that this was such a fucked up thing to do, but that they could get away with it. I know that "The farm" or whatever got shut down, and that Rolling Stone is being sued, but so what? Nothing is going to happen to Rhapsody. You have all these
bands that are mostly to small and insignificant to do anything about it (ie pay for legal fees) but are like hip enough for them to want to associate with, so they can do it.
The fact that it "has come to this" where disgusting corporations are trying to co-opt either independent music or the culture inherent behind it...there's something there that smoke cigarettes we both know is not right. Do you have any comments on that? Did you expect anything like this when you joined up with Jade Tree/publicists.
I mean the irony is the song they used was from Epics in Minutes, which wasn't on Jade Tree. It is really wierd though. I didn't really understand that "The Farm" thing fully, just that it was some website that you went on to find out about your favorite bands. Who thinks this stuff up? It's just so bizzare. Like in the age of myspace and like millions of message boards, why the fuck would Camel think that people even needed a website like this? Maybe if they could design a
website where you could go to NOT find out about fucking millions of bands every 2 seconds, they would be onto something. I would sign up for that.
As far as the co-option part, it sucks, but what are you going to do. How many people do you see at a show smoking? I'm surprised this hasn't been done sooner - indie and punk kids smoke. Just because you think its lame that all your favorite bands got poached for a ciggarette ad doesn't mean that every concert you go to isn't already a huge smoking ad by accident anyway. The irony is that Camel thought it needed to spend smoke cigarettes money on an ad campaign on smoking in the first place. All the cool kids already smoke.
The David Christmas 7" is sold out. Thanks to everyone who ordered one, or two or ten. If you still need to get on the best way would be to get a copy from us at the show this Saturday. We will have plenty of copies.
Meanwhile, Pink Eyes is DJ-ing this event which you should come to if you are able. He will be playing his favorite bands - Face to Face, AFI, and NOFX.

We have a preliminary schedule for SXSW:
WED MARCH 12 - Secret downtown show
THU MARCH 13 - Secret official showcase
FRI MARCH 14 - Secret boat show
FRI MARCH 14 - Secret Solid PR show
SAT MARCH 15 - Secret waterloo park gig
FRI MARCH 14 - Secret boat show
awesome! i know all the kids from AZ last year will be there along with about 15 other friends so SXSW this year will rule
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it's the strangest thing; i can't explain, it but i'm suddenly overcome by an overpowering urge to.. to.. ahh fuck i lost it.
What in god's name is coming out of your mouth in the 1-2-3 nej shot?
nice pics. where's th girl?
i 'm just surprised its takin the backie companies so long to figure out that punks lurve smoking/death,more so than any other "youth movement"(pukes)
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Did you put the phrase "smoke cigarettes" in place of something else throughout the post?
to "limitedtoamillion": I think that's FU's oh-so-clever subliminal campiagn.
Anyway, i have to say this Camel thing is getting blown out of proportion. As I understand it, the Indie Rock Universe thing was a feature in the mag and it just ran next to the Camel ad. Maybe sleazy that they ran a targeted ad next to a feature on indie-rock, but hardly worth a $190 billion payout, no?
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