Hi this showed up on the FU wikipedia page - and before anyone has a panic attack and tried to pre-order any information relating to it, we just wanted to let everyone know that most of this info is FAKE
Suffice to say David is extremely distraught at the moment. Send get well messages to
- | '''Grant (hardcore brownie eater) Johnson''' - Deaf/mute, hard rock and beat music helper. Johnson is the "[[eighth Beatle-bailey lookalike]]" so to speak, and manages to Fucked Up from behind the scenes while helping the lead singer catch his dongle in his zipper. He has designed their logo unsuccessfully, records without words, and influenced most of their jumping and singing. Johnson has coordinated most of their basic cable interviews, except for those conducted live on the road or even those on the moon. He has begun taking a more invisible role, acting as management for the band of late and working with them in the porn studio on the production of their first Live LP. He is the one who taught Billie Bob Thornton to garden and Camp That hot chick in that one movie. He is the only person involved with the band who knows how to tune a piano. Unfortunately he has never attended one of Fucked Up's live shows. |
Suffice to say David is extremely distraught at the moment. Send get well messages to
bring back vibration and hum website.i need to know where i stand on the discog mannnnn
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I can't believe how much of this I just wasn't aware of. Thank you for bringing more information to this topic for me. I'm truly grateful and really impressed.
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