Royal Swan

Feathers collect from the milk and the bones of the dead
Expressions of lives passed away live on in their debt
The journey begins from the tail of a swan at the end
Tributes below colour spaces above and the Sun
The weight of the world is measured in cells
And specks that collect; the foundation compels
The ladders of life to correct and upraise
Reflections of prey charge the predators gaze
Wearing the face of the quarry it takes
The swan shows the blood as a mask on its face
Expressing the the water and milk in embrace, and the Sun
The flames of life extinguish and fire
To impel the distinguished beyond the expired
The spark is renewed as the torch is propelled
The swan song crescendo to bid death farewell
The journey ends with a swan at the top the earth
Facing the sky as the ultimate sum
Of the lives that it chose to survive,
And shine back at the sun
To take the world between your bill/
To leave enough and have your fill
To leave the water but drink the milk to be a royal swan/
To spin the wool with silk to be a royal swan
pre-ordered.....i got in just in time for the colored vinyl!
The Mike Haliechuk Experience? Cool song by the way. You might want to rename tags. or not.
sounds good,looking forward to the Chatham gig its a shit town btw.
It's good but it's no Falling Man
hey guys you should make covers of Nasum more often
yeah garageband is a pretty convenient program, huh
masquerade the charade
we allay the curds and whey
lemonade the grenade
to the leader we obeyed
Milk, milk
Around the corner
Fudge is made
waka waka
Is that pre-order for real? I can't find any information on it anywhere.
shut up yo nigga and dance chiki-chiki with me
hey i want that 7" how can i get it?
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