Year of the Dog

Apparently, there is some confusion as to the nature of this record. If you weren't able to pick one up at the Hidden World shows, or you weren't able to catch our merch when it was on tour through the US, don't panic, this isn't a "show-only" record or anything. It's being hand assembled, and the majority of the press isn't ready to be sent out to distributors yet.
In the mean time, here it a complete version for download. There are a few bad rips going around, so here is one to download taken straight from the masters. Feel free to spread this file around as much as possible.
Order the record either from the label, Blocks Recording Co-operative, or just wait a few weeks until they filter into stores and distributors. If you run a distro, get in touch with Blocks to order wholesale copies.
Stay tuned for news about the upcoming Year of the Pig 12".
The Looking for Gold online release is also coming. Again, it will be a high quality free file, we just have to design some art to put in the file before we set it up for release.
Year of the Dog
Following a proven time line the social upheaval starts
The fools Slogan has become an anthem I watch ascend the charts
The powers that be let take hold a movement which they abhor
"They can have this revolution as long as they remember who gets to win the
I'm ready for some hard times
The boredom's beginning to show
We can't possibly lose this one
The answer already known
They give them civil rights to appear on the left
We stay stuck in the maternal gaze suckling the demons breast
But when the stomping of the jack boots starts, all we be crushed under foot
Master horned head turns to see what's on the bottom of his hoof
Marching around the square they are all dead on their feet
Watch the dance as they dance such a pretty dance their legs are worn down to
the knees
The revolution has gone the way of so many before
Circular Nature of Social Evolution: They will never win the war
Last Man Standing
Some kids raped an old woman
Shit happens everyday
They just stood there while she died there bleeding
And it all ends today
I prey to god it was me, here is the way it would go
I’d take one of those fuckers out
It all ends today
All good things must come to an end
And it chills me right down to the bone
That’s just the way it goes
I’m about set to explode
Some old man died on the street
Shit happens everyday
He just stood there while he starved to death
but it all ends today
I prey to god it was me, here is the way it would go
I’d kill you and take your food
It all ends today
I tried to kill myself
Won’t fuck up again
Put my head on the subway tracks
And it all ends
And when that comes alone here’s the way it will go:
I’ll finally get you out of my head
It all ends today
1,2,3 it’s all over
Great song. Love that infectious guitar line - while Hidden World is a great record, guitar is a bit monotonous on it. The ending is also very cool with all the build up and stuff. Too bad the quality is only 56kbps and it's hard to hear the lyrics. The other song is a bit too hard on my ears, and the mix is totally insane - I can imagine only one use for it: committing suicide in a locked room and turning the speakers to the max and putting this song on a repeat before you die.
I like puppies and bologna.
Year Of The Dog is the best song I've heard for a while. Lyrics would be great to read too. Can't wait 'til I got Hidden World!
are you guys still playing kingston on the 27th?
Does it end "Ready for the right path" or is that my imagination?
Hey, where can I find the lyrics for baiting the public? If anyone has them, can you send them to me either on myspace or aim?
AIM: SadakoDeathWalk
really enjoy the new album. you guys play rickenbacker guitars? wouldn't have guessed it, being that the tone is so warm sounding on the album. maybe only the one guy plays a rick in the 1 picture. in lieu of everyone blowing smoke up your collective asses, here is some criticism: "david comes to life" SUCKS. have a nice day.
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