Tell your heart that I'm the one, tell your heart it's me.
"Year of the Pig" is now available as a digital download from Insound - get it
here.We just recorded a new song, it's a cover. For a limited time only (until it expires),
here it is.
This Friday's show that was at 538 Johnson is now at Europe, in Brooklyn:
6:30 doors $8 ages 16+ Show must be over by 10.30!!Europa Night Club .98 Meserole Ave.(corner of Manhattan Ave.)Brooklyn, NY 11222http://www.europaclub.comFUCKED UP
tickets!Just in case you haven't seen it yet, here is the MTV set from last year.
...on the way home from our little travels we listened to the whole "Hidden World" cd (my first time all of the way through) and I thanked God for finally delivering a current band in the world I am finding myself in again that I think is good, one that I would like ten years ago or ten years into the future from now. This can't be a everyday occurence so I thank you. Seriously.
I hope you liked the comic books.
So I bought the new 12" last night in Las Cruces and was wondering if there was any way I could purchase/obtain digital versions of these songs for placement on my iPod. It would rule if I could get a hold of 'em.
mp3s at
Tiiiight, haha.
So I had fun at Gilman even with all the kooks who I've never seen at shows and the broz walking on everyones faces, but that new LP is really a disappointment. As was Year of the Dog. How are you gonna charge 10 bucks for 2 fuckin songs? Even if they're 10 minutes long, that's retarded. I know art is in and everything, but did you guys just get sick of playing HC or what? I used to really like Fucked Up, but I really can't get down with this shitty drawn-out art punk. It's not that I'm one of those same-old same-old's, I just really hate hipsters and this just sounds like the kind of music that fixed-gear bike riders and vegans listen to. I still had fun at Gilman though, which is somewhat out of the ordinary.
fixed gear bikes and veganism are ruining hardcore, lets all join mz and put a stop to this
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Why aren't you doing any other shows in Montreal besides Osheaga? Its $120 a ticket, you know. I know three different people that have tried to book you in Montreal for the last four months, and you've given every single one the shaft. What gives?
we are in montreal again in october for pop montreal.
its actually slsknet.org
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