Puff Puff

This morning Rolling Stone was served with the following letter, co-signed by the labels Kill Rock Stars, Touch and Go, and a few others I've never heard of, regarding last weeks uncovering of the Indie Rock Universe debacle:
"An Open Letter to Rolling Stone"
We, the undersigned independent record labels, wish to share our indignation regarding Rolling Stone's November 15th pull out editorial, which featured the names of our artists in conjunction with an ad for Camel cigarettes. This editorial cartoon gives every impression of being part and parcel of the advertisement wrapped around it.
The use of an artist's name to promote a brand or product should be done only with the artist's explicit consent, something that was neither solicited nor obtained from the labels or bands.
When questioned, Rolling Stone has referred to the "Indie Rock Universe" pull out section as an "editorial", but it hardly seems accidental that this editorial content is wrapped in a giant ad from R.J. Reynolds announcing their support for independent artists and labels. The idea that this was a coincidence in any way seems dubious at best. There are two other pull out sections in this same issue of Rolling Stone. Both are wrapped in advertising, but neither of these ads could be construed as part of the editorial content within.
Many of the bands named, and the labels that represent them, are very unhappy with the implication that they have any involvement with R.J. Reynolds and Camel cigarettes. We ask that Rolling Stone apologize for blurring the line between editorial and advertisement, and in doing so, implying that the bands named support the product being advertised.
Kill Rock Stars, Touch and Go, Skin Graft, Lovepump United, Lucky Madison, 5RC, Audio Dregs, and Fryk Beat.
Bands - if you were involved in this piece, please get in touch.
Meanwhile - The Star just wrote a think about us, and it.
Stay tuned dudes!
Meanwhile - make sure to bring a non-perishable food item for the show on Saturday. Don't be late.

why haven't you been more forthcoming about your drummer's starring role in the new (to americans, at least) hit comedy KENNY VS. SPENNY
"Many of the bands named, and the labels that represent them, are very unhappy with the implication that they have any involvement with R.J. Reynolds and Camel cigarettes."
What about Rolling Stone? Please tell me you are unhappy with being involved with them. If I wanted to know what a 47 year-old middle-class white guy thought about music, I'd ask one- not buy a magazine about it.
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