No Epiphany

Hey we are in Benidorm in the autonomous region of Valencia. The kids here are all drunks and they suck at football but there are pools everywhere and also German tourists. We passed a bar called the "The Gents Bollocks". The show was crazy. Speaking of crazy, we are releasing a new record in October called "The Chemistry of Common Life" - the first single is called "No Epiphany" and it is about not giving a fuck about anything. Check out the lyrics:
Son of Heaven, the sun of god
A blink from the eternal facade
The ever-spot orb'd polyphony
No epiphany
Tune the universe, be the spine
To stay in place as the planets align
Set to changes, affix to time
No epiphany
Nothing new and nothing old
The chilling warmth of the scorching cold
No way to change how the story is told
No epiphany
Wait for time for a blessed reply
No surprise under the tired eye
Wait to live as i wait to die
No epiphany
Shine as bright in a darkened sky
Won't wait for hope to be regrets disguise
Vibrate alone as i say my goodbye's
No epiphany
See no changes, show no age
Life's a book with a single page
The body spins but i stay the same
No Epiphany
As you an tell we are super lame now. Also you can download this song from the Matador site right here. The backup vocals are done by The Vivian Girls, who are also great. No Epiphany will be released as the 2nd 7" single for the LP, and will contain on the aside a remix of the song by No Age, and on the bside a 7" version of the song. Also the LP version has 18 guitar tracks.

Also just to clear up some stuff:
The "Royal Swan" mp3 that was posted here a few days ago is NOT the LP version. It is a mix of the LP version (like 10 seconds of it) and 3 demo versions. Also, that song WILL be coming out as a 7" single, we just have no details yet. Expect it over the winter.
We've been playing a new song live, it's called Crooked Head, and is the first single for the LP. It's also got the Viv Girls on backups, and it's on the long side.
As per this interview, if anyone was wondering C. Colohan WAS in fact sort of in Fucked Up at one point. He played drums for the first and maybe second practice, when it was just Marbles, Gulag and him. Also the Fucked Up song "Last Man Standing" was written as a Ruination song, the band Marbles was in prior to FU - there was a Ruination practice in 2000 where that song was in the line to be learned, but there was no time, and Marbles quit the band before there was another practice. That makes the song older than Fucked Up but about a year and a half.
Pink Eyes did NOT cut his head at Sled Island Fest in Calgary, as per this article, but instead FELL into a glass that some kid was holding.
HERE is a big article with some more pictures from the "infamous" SUNY show, which was chill for us because we are bad ass, but frightning for tons of kids and nerds because they don't have to deal with cops every day like we do. IT'S NOT CALLED GLOW IN THE DARK FOR NO REASON SQUID BRAINS!

We also heard that our friends Career Suicide broke up? Who knows if its true?
Year of the Pig is coming out soon on 3 different 7"'s:
Year of the Pig (Carlos Edit)/Mustaa Luntaa
Year of the Pig (Eric Edit)/Anorak City
Year of the Pig (Corona Edit)/For my Friends
You will be able to order them all from the Matador Site (pre-ordered).
If you are from Toronto, make sure to check out the Jennifer Castle CD release:
Friday July 18th
St. George the Martyr Courtyard
7:30 PM
Castle Music
Ryan Driver
Speaking of Blue Fog records, they are also putting out the $100 Album soon, which rips.
A blink from the eternal facade
The ever-spot orb'd polyphony
No epiphany
Tune the universe, be the spine
To stay in place as the planets align
Set to changes, affix to time
No epiphany
Nothing new and nothing old
The chilling warmth of the scorching cold
No way to change how the story is told
No epiphany
Wait for time for a blessed reply
No surprise under the tired eye
Wait to live as i wait to die
No epiphany
Shine as bright in a darkened sky
Won't wait for hope to be regrets disguise
Vibrate alone as i say my goodbye's
No epiphany
See no changes, show no age
Life's a book with a single page
The body spins but i stay the same
No Epiphany
As you an tell we are super lame now. Also you can download this song from the Matador site right here. The backup vocals are done by The Vivian Girls, who are also great. No Epiphany will be released as the 2nd 7" single for the LP, and will contain on the aside a remix of the song by No Age, and on the bside a 7" version of the song. Also the LP version has 18 guitar tracks.

Also just to clear up some stuff:
The "Royal Swan" mp3 that was posted here a few days ago is NOT the LP version. It is a mix of the LP version (like 10 seconds of it) and 3 demo versions. Also, that song WILL be coming out as a 7" single, we just have no details yet. Expect it over the winter.
We've been playing a new song live, it's called Crooked Head, and is the first single for the LP. It's also got the Viv Girls on backups, and it's on the long side.
As per this interview, if anyone was wondering C. Colohan WAS in fact sort of in Fucked Up at one point. He played drums for the first and maybe second practice, when it was just Marbles, Gulag and him. Also the Fucked Up song "Last Man Standing" was written as a Ruination song, the band Marbles was in prior to FU - there was a Ruination practice in 2000 where that song was in the line to be learned, but there was no time, and Marbles quit the band before there was another practice. That makes the song older than Fucked Up but about a year and a half.
Pink Eyes did NOT cut his head at Sled Island Fest in Calgary, as per this article, but instead FELL into a glass that some kid was holding.
HERE is a big article with some more pictures from the "infamous" SUNY show, which was chill for us because we are bad ass, but frightning for tons of kids and nerds because they don't have to deal with cops every day like we do. IT'S NOT CALLED GLOW IN THE DARK FOR NO REASON SQUID BRAINS!

We also heard that our friends Career Suicide broke up? Who knows if its true?
Year of the Pig is coming out soon on 3 different 7"'s:
Year of the Pig (Carlos Edit)/Mustaa Luntaa
Year of the Pig (Eric Edit)/Anorak City
Year of the Pig (Corona Edit)/For my Friends
You will be able to order them all from the Matador Site (pre-ordered).
If you are from Toronto, make sure to check out the Jennifer Castle CD release:
Friday July 18th
St. George the Martyr Courtyard
7:30 PM
Castle Music
Ryan Driver
Speaking of Blue Fog records, they are also putting out the $100 Album soon, which rips.
amazing, the spanish have a population that is not good at football?
Great show in Benidorm! and thanks for playing Jacob´s, as we really had the cops ready to bust your ass!
pre-ordered. I totally got the hand screen printed cover too!
please come to argentina!!!
Joined: 07 Sep 2005
Location: Up Your Ass
How is ripping off shoegaze riffs (which in and of themselves were a rip of psychedelic riffs from the 60's) new and original?
I like Fucked Up when they were ripping off The Damned better than I like Fucked Up ripping off The Stone Roses.
Never Trust - demo out now -
If you wanna have some fun in Xpain you should shout GORA ETA! ;)
hey the stone roses never stared at their shoes while riffing. ever. wtf.
haha... benidorm is senior citizen / saggy titty heaven, but it's still pretty cool. stayed there for 4 days when I was in spain this past semester, if you've ever wanted to do karaoke that's the place to be. check out the spinnaker's bar along the avenue closest to the beach, real cheap drinks and an awesome bartender named carl who loves giving away free drinks.
if you have any questions/suggestions about spain hit me up, I studied in valencia so I know quite a bit about the east and north costs, as well as central spain. argoscheckmate at gmail dot com.
What are the rozzers doing in that pic-a-ture?
"NO! You CANNOT see Fucked Up" Cunts.
You shoulda got down there and mashed their brains in with the mic stand, Converge style.
hahaha some dork posted my comments on b9 to score points.
It's true though, I liked it better when you were ripping off Damned riffs.
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