Hey dudes we were in SPIN again. You can check out this mental interactive website of it right HERE.
Also some weird stuff happened in Spain to us. Check out the apology right HERE:
To everyone that attended our Barcelona area show the other night I would like to take this time to offer a sincere apology for my behaviour during our set. I was having a bad day and in no way should I have taken it out on you the people that had taken the time to drive out and pay to see us. It is easy to forget sometimes that this is a privileged life that I getting to live right now and that is only made possible because of the people coming to see the shows. All the drama in my life had no place on that stage. It is a balancing act between providing entertainment and being honest. I would never want the entertainment that we try to provide to be dishonest and have myself just playing a character on stage but by the same token I should realize that I cannot be in a band like this and expect people so be satisfied watching me have an on-stage pout. This is all made worse by the fact that so many of you are people I count as friends and have hung out with us every time we have played in Spain. I'm grateful that you gave me the opportunity to come back on stage a try and redeem myself and think that those four or five songs made me see how poorly I had acted during the first part of the set. Please let anyone who you know that was at this show and doesn't read this blog (it is presumptuous for me to assume that everyone reads this blog... or speaks English in Spain) that I am truly sorry.
thank you
aka Pink Eye
aka Father Damian
aka Huge Fucking Baby
aka Hamlet
what happened?
awwwwww thats sweet!
thank you for your concert on Paris, this will you please you can go to see a video on the blog, the rest is engraved in my memo, bizz
The concert in San Sebastian was fuckin incredible.Zipallo!!!
Seriously? What happened.
I think Damien just had a hissy fit, rightly so. He's a front-man who has to 'give it' every night. It gets hard.
lol@the christmas 7" being hard to get. If you've got 15 bucks and an E-bay account...
^^^my thoughts exactly
chemcom trails
They spelled SWIZ wrong.
Why put chemtrails on yr blog?
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