Hey we started rehearsing our musical the other day:

Year of the Rat will/should be out for our tour starting in New York on Jan 20. The full release date will be sometime in March.
This years Christmas 7" will be released in May to celebrate birth and will be a benefit for a childrens charity of some sort. Most likely there will be a show in Toronto to celebrate the release.
You can reach David at Vibrationandhum @ Hotmail.com
Any more questions?

Year of the Rat will/should be out for our tour starting in New York on Jan 20. The full release date will be sometime in March.
This years Christmas 7" will be released in May to celebrate birth and will be a benefit for a childrens charity of some sort. Most likely there will be a show in Toronto to celebrate the release.
You can reach David at Vibrationandhum @ Hotmail.com
Any more questions?
I gotta say this project sounds pretty intriguing... how do you guys know so much about David anyway?
more like Gayvid Comes To Life, amirite? No, but seriously, when is Year of The Rat coming out?
Oh, yeah, where is the Christmas single? When is that other LP going to come out? When will you repress Looking For Gold? Do you guys really hate Billy Talent?
It's almost as though you were misleading us on purpose. But you guys would never do that, right?
But seriously, what is David Eliade's e-mail?
Whats better Year of the Rat or NE YO's Year of The Gentleman... I think the answer is CLEAR.
"But seriously, what is David Eliade's e-mail?"
where do babies come from?
i spoke to mike at the london gig and he mentioned that next album will be about the financial crisis and also that his efforts to set up the musical have been hampered by loosing several cast members to the israeli/palestinian conflict. a lot of communists in the band apparently. i guess it will be some time before we'll get that new album guys.
Is there a Damian Sex-tape?
post that dang mixtape
Yeah, word up, mixtape time.
Is there a Damian Sex-tape?
yes please. forget the Christmas single, forget the YOTR single, forget the Royal Swan single. bring on the Damian sex tape!
mike did not say that
mixtape will be out in 2 weeks, on tape.
are you guys only playing tokyo when you come to japan in march?
for the right price a Damian sex-tape can be arranged
- damian's wife
spoke to mike at the mall a while back. he briefly mentioned that he wasn't interested in conventional instruments anymore and that he had fashioned some new ones from the trash in his back yard.
where will the tapes be available from? how limited are they?
mike did not say that
yeah I saw Mike at Bay station the other day and we were talking for a bit and he said that Fucked up were going to be releasing upcoming stuff exclusively on mini discs from this point on and that we can expect no fewer than 6 Gordon Lightfoot covers on the next full-length.
i talk to mike everyday on gchat for like 6 hours and he doesn't tell me shit
Yeah, Mike was at Tim Hortons eating poutine and nanaimo bars and he told me that year of the rat would only be released on laser disc with an accompanying beta tape and will include a 45 minute long theremin solo
right, mike didn't say any of that stuff.
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