Updates Feb 21st 2006

Triumph of Life to everyone. Here is a quick update on several fronts.
The UK Tour in April is looking like this:
(All dates April 2006 with Pink Floyd)
13th Liverpool - venue tbc
14th Leeds
15th afternoon Bradford
15th Boston not Boston
16th Sheffield
17th aft Harrogate
17th Newcastle
18th London - there will be several London shows on the 18th
19th Brighton
20th Southampton
21st Bristol
22nd Cardiff
If you can help out or know of strange places to play, email ianend@hotmail.com
For a limited time only (until the link runs out or too many people DL it), here is a link to a set we did in Philly PA, USA last January, where we were able to make friends with Hard Skin and enemies with Dillinger Four. http://s46.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=0BKNNHT1JVV790SMLIFZCFANZN
And on that note, here is an article about lasers. http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/story/0,,1713414,00.html
We are also starting to book shows for the West Coast Tour in late July and early August (July 22nd-Aug 8). In addition to the main shows, they are looking to play radio shows, record stores, squats, houses, bridges, parties, art galleries, and etc. If you have any wierd gig hookups please get in touch with us or with Scotty Karate at http://www.karaterex.com/.
If you are an artist, futurist (1909ish) or a bootlick, and would like to get involved in the FU project, please email ideas or resumes/portfolios to David Eliade at vibrationandhum@hotmail.com. We are always looking to spread around and increase the ranks. Looking for visual artists including painters, videographers, people with access to large amounts of resources or firecrackers, people to do graphic design work, people with old-style block printing presses, people who can walk long distances carrying heavy items on their backs, people who are good at producing posters and manifestos, etc. Please get in touch.
Lastly, 10,000 Marbles has started work on the infamous and epic "Triumph" movie script. If you have a friend or family member who is either a high-roling movie executive or works within the higher-eschelons of the film industry, and is looking to finance a multi-million dollar blockbuster/epoch-making action movie, please do get in touch at ianend@hotmail.com. This is not a joke.