Ok let's move on. Next item up for discussion is the FULL RIPE 7" that appeared out of nowhere. Did someone from FU put this on ebay? From Matador UK? Maybe natalie or stuart? Or Paco? Very mysterious. I'm sure there is at least one person out there who knows exactly what this is, others who can speculate reasonably (including myself), and many others that can ruminate wildly and comment in an entertaining way. LETS FIGURE IT OUT
Also - next topic of discussion will be Year of the Tiger, so you don't need to comment about that yet.
THANKS WEST COAST. We had a really weird time with a lot of the boring particulars behind the scenes (didn't see our appearance at either secret shows we booked the other day in the bay - with the Zero BOys or with DYS? well we secretely had our van break down on the way, sorry) but all the shows were great and we love being on that bright side of your country. We're on a plane now heading east to play with CRO MAGs in New York in a few days - grab those RSVPs asap people.