Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Ottawa, Ontario arrived from on "Looking For Gold: June 2009" by searching for is there any screamo songs put onto flute sheet music?.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Hey since Ben already leaked it on his blog, I might as well post it here too. Year of the Tiger is done! We're all pretty excited about how it turned out. Lots of parts, really strong structure, looks great, etc. Check it out below and leave us your feedback!
Wondering about Year of the Ox? Well, that's done too! We actually JUST finished mixing it today. Sounds great. Look for it in a record store or wherever people buy records now, really soon on an actual label and everything.
Oh what the hell, just download the whole thing right now HERE!

Hi we are playing a free early show for kids and families and punks and book nerds at The Toronto Public Reference Library on May 28th. Will have more info later, but it's free and will probably start around 7pm and also our friends $100 are playing.
We're doing all these other shows too, for money:
Mon-May-03 Lawrence, KS Jackpot Music Hall
Tue-May-04 Denver, CO Larimer Lounge
Wed-May-05 Albuquerque, NM Moonlight Lounge
Thu-May-06 Scottsdale, AZ Chasers
Fri-May-07 Las Vegas, NV Sunset Station Ampitheatre
Sat-May-08 Pomona, CA Glasshouse
Sun-May-09 San Francisco, CA Rickshaw Stop
Tue-May-11 Portland, OR Hawthorne Theatre
Wed-May-12 Victoria, BC Sugar Nightclub
Thu-May-13 Vancouver, BC The Biltmore
Fri-May-14 Edmonton, AB Avenue Theatre
Sat-May-15 Saskatoon, SK Amigo's
Sun-May-16 Regina, SK The Exchange
Mon-May-17 Winnepeg, MB West End Cultural Center
Tue-May-18 Thunder Bay, ON Office
Wed-May-19 Sudbury, ON Millard's Garage
Sun-Sep-05 Monticello, NY All Tomorrow's Parties
Fri-Sep-10 Raleigh, NC Hopscotch Festival
5/8-9 with ABE VIGODA
5/12-17 with GROWN-UPS
5/28 with $100
Fri July 2 in Calgary for Sled Island with Girl Talk and Built 2 Spill
Sat July 3 in Calgary for Sled Island at The Legion with some other bands
Monday, April 19, 2010
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Friday, April 16, 2010
More Tour
Here you go
Mon-May-03 Lawrence, KS Jackpot Music Hall
Tue-May-04 Denver, CO Larimer Lounge
Wed-May-05 Albuquerque, NM Moonlight Lounge
Thu-May-06 Scottsdale, AZ Chasers
Fri-May-07 Las Vegas, NV Sunset Station Ampitheatre
Sat-May-08 Pomona, CA Glasshouse
Sun-May-09 San Francisco, CA Rickshaw Stop
Tue-May-11 Portland, OR Hawthorne Theatre
Wed-May-12 Victoria, BC Sugar Nightclub
Thu-May-13 Vancouver, BC The Biltmore
Fri-May-14 Edmonton, AB Avenue Theatre
Sat-May-15 Saskatoon, SK Amigo's
Sun-May-16 Regina, SK The Exchange
Mon-May-17 Winnepeg, MB West End Cultural Center
Tue-May-18 Thunder Bay, ON Office
Wed-May-19 Sudbury, ON TBD
Mon-May-03 Lawrence, KS Jackpot Music Hall
Tue-May-04 Denver, CO Larimer Lounge
Wed-May-05 Albuquerque, NM Moonlight Lounge
Thu-May-06 Scottsdale, AZ Chasers
Fri-May-07 Las Vegas, NV Sunset Station Ampitheatre
Sat-May-08 Pomona, CA Glasshouse
Sun-May-09 San Francisco, CA Rickshaw Stop
Tue-May-11 Portland, OR Hawthorne Theatre
Wed-May-12 Victoria, BC Sugar Nightclub
Thu-May-13 Vancouver, BC The Biltmore
Fri-May-14 Edmonton, AB Avenue Theatre
Sat-May-15 Saskatoon, SK Amigo's
Sun-May-16 Regina, SK The Exchange
Mon-May-17 Winnepeg, MB West End Cultural Center
Tue-May-18 Thunder Bay, ON Office
Wed-May-19 Sudbury, ON TBD
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Record Store Day part 2

Hey, so if you thought getting 11 different covers (plus the bootleg that came out a few months ago) of our Record Store Day 7" sounded hard, get this:
We're also putting out another reel-to-reel. This one will contain the set we did at The Opera House in Toronto in Feburary with Kurt Vile. As you can see from the cover, our set included some guest guitar work from Elvis Presley. Anyhow, that's all well and good. The thing you need to focus on is the fact that you can only buy this 7" on one day - April 17. Not only that, but you can only buy it at one place - Welfare Records, at 58 River Street in Haverhill Mass (no internets allowed). But wait there's more - you can only buy it at one time - between noon and 8. And one at a time - you can only buy one copy. There's only 75 copies going to be made ever. Which is nbd, because thats probably way more copies than there are actually working reel to reel machines on earth in 2010.
Tuesday, April 06, 2010
Left for Damian

Hey here is the first in a series of posts from Damian, who is currently involved in the Do The Math program, an initiative aimed at illustrating the lack of resources available to Toronto's food banks and the families that use them. Here it is in Damian's own words:
Mike or David or Sandy or whoever runs this thing (Octavio St Laurent - ed) has given me the forum to blog about a campaign I'm participating in called "Do The Math". It is being put together by the community food organization STOP. Basically, I have to live off a food bank hamper for a week (or as long as I can). The goal of this campaign is to raise awareness of the lack of good food available to people forced to live on social assistance. Here are the basics: (here)
On April 6, 2010, ten high-profile Torontonians (and their families, if they’re joining them) will pick up a standard food bank hamper at The Stop. These hampers—which include an array of non-perishable food, as well as a little bit of fresh produce—typically last a person three or four days, though many folks stretch this to a week or ten days. Our participants will live exclusively off the contents of the hamper for as long as they can. They will not eat out or accept free food or drink (though they are encouraged to eat at least two meals at a drop-in). They will be allowed to use up to five standard pantry ingredients—oil, flour, salt, coffee, etc.—but are asked to keep track of the quantity of these items used.
I picked up my basket this morning and received: a jar of peanut butter, a tin of pasta sauce, a bag of pasta, four eggs, potatoes, onions, a pack of chicken dogs, tea, margarine, tin of peas, two tins of soup, two pears, a tin of chicken (yes, a tin) and some milk. My five pantry items are vegetable oil, flour, salt, soy sauce and spices.
I am well aware that all I am doing is play acting and that I can stop this at anytime but the point of this is not to show me or anyone else what it is like. What it is hopefully going to do is start people putting pressure on the Ontario government to enact some changes. What sort of changes? Well I glad you asked:
We are continuing to build support for the provincial campaign to “Put Food in the Budget,” a campaign launched by The Stop last February in partnership with the Social Planning Network of Ontario and the Association of Local Public Healthy Agencies. This coalition is asking for an additional $100 each month as a first step in addressing the chronic food insecurity and poor health of people on social assistance. In addition to this Healthy Food Supplement, we ask that they also go on to establish a clear and transparent process to set rates based on what it actually costs to live a frugal, but healthy and dignified, life in Ontario.
You can follow my progress on this blog but I have also set up a twitter to document this as well: @leftfordamian. So far the first day it is going pretty well. I made a potato hash and I'm about to start making dinner (a very close variation on lunch I suspect). The only really hard part so far is life without soda. This is one of the only time I have gone without soda in an embarrassingly long time and it sucks.
more to come...
Not Everything is a Joke
On Saturday, May 8th, we (the FYF Fest) will be hosting a Fan Appreciation Show in Pomona, CA. Just like the original concept of the Fuck Yeah Fest, this is taking place at three locations that are all steps from one another. For $8 you will be given a wristband at the Glasshouse that will get you access to all three locations featuring over a dozen bands. This is for you, the fan.
SATURDAY, May 8th 2010 All Ages $8
Fucked Up (Only So Cal show)
The Strange Boys (Only So Cal Show)
Abe Vigoda
Graf Orlock
The Like
Woah Hunx
+ Many Surprises More TBA
& Visuals By Videothing
@ the Glasshouse & More Locations
6:30pm / All Ages / Only $8
Ticket Link:
Hard Tickets here:
Headliner Records
7706 Melrose Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90046
(323) 655-2125
4612 E. 2nd Street
Long Beach CA 90803.
(562) 433-4996
Glasshouse Record Store
200 West 2nd Street
Pomona, CA 91766
(909) 865-3802
Origami Vinyl
1816 West Sunset Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90026
(213) 413-3030
!!!!!!!ONLY $8!!!!!!!!
More info HERE.
SATURDAY, May 8th 2010 All Ages $8
Fucked Up (Only So Cal show)
The Strange Boys (Only So Cal Show)
Abe Vigoda
Graf Orlock
The Like
Woah Hunx
+ Many Surprises More TBA
& Visuals By Videothing
@ the Glasshouse & More Locations
6:30pm / All Ages / Only $8
Ticket Link:
Hard Tickets here:
Headliner Records
7706 Melrose Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90046
(323) 655-2125
4612 E. 2nd Street
Long Beach CA 90803.
(562) 433-4996
Glasshouse Record Store
200 West 2nd Street
Pomona, CA 91766
(909) 865-3802
Origami Vinyl
1816 West Sunset Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90026
(213) 413-3030
!!!!!!!ONLY $8!!!!!!!!
More info HERE.
Thursday, April 01, 2010

Hey, so the whole lawsuit thing was real. I mean fake. It was fake. No one is suing us. It was a really elaborate April Fool's joke we thought up like maybe 48 hours ago. Thanks to Bob Shedd for helping us find a place to host the website, and Aaron Campbell for doing all the programming. Thanks to the Village Voice for being cool and basically becoming out blog-bff over the last few days. Special thanks to Much Music for putting us on TV to talk about it and all the blogs and news websites (you know who you are) who fell for it. Also thanks to the almost 400 people who signed up to the facebook group to support us and the people that wrote complaints to Thriller. We know now that if anything actually goes wrong with our band, we'll be able to not count on your support again since we punked you so hard this time. Please read the entire hilarious defamation court document we prepared at the bottom of this page.
The NOT fake part of this whole thing is even more crazy it might blow your mind - the entire original sxsw article that got linked and twittered all over the place (literally - I've been watching our feedjit thing 20 hours a day for the last 4 days, there was a guy on our blog from Ramallah yesterday), and this entire April Fool's joke was just to go viral with the newest FU project - you guess it - Thriller Energy Drinks. We thought hard about those revenue streams and how money that used to go towards buying records is now going to buy music-related products. So to us it makes complete sense to as a band, try and grab a bit of that stream - so we're gonna market our own diy, music oriented energy drink. Check out these rad flavours:

Anti-Energy inspired by todays hottest bands. Do the cool with Thrill Wave, our slowest boost yet. Don't be fooled by the ultra fast pace of other energy boosts - Thrill Wave will have you in your seat contemplating your vibe for hours.

Now with 8 times the caffeine of other brands energy drinks. Need to write six exams at the same time, or just break the record for days without rest? This is the thrill for you. Lab tested to ensure Maximum Consciousness (TM) you won't be able to slow down!

Our most Energetific Thrill (TM), this can will rock your socks. Need to stay up all night and day studying for that big test, or just need to blast through a night at the worlds hippest clubs? Super Energy has twice the energy and twice the caffeine or our regular Thriller can. Bombs away!

The loudest energy around. Blast this compressed air energy can into any party or club and hear the energy vibes pick up and blast off. This high intensity air horn will pack in the decibels as well as the energy molecules.

Need your energy where you can chew it? Take it slow - dip it! Our patended high energy formula now in dip form. Pull it out, pack it in, side back and enjoy the thrill. Your mouth will be tingling with intense energy.

Don't have time to drink? Rub this energy infused power into your eyeballs, like they do in space! You'll feel like you can walk on air for the rest of your life. And you probably will!
Now that the hyper-marketing has started, we've also started production on these bad boys. Coming to a diy-record store near you this summer.

Damian is doing some thing tommorow. You can also read about it on his blog.
This is from the big man:
I have a confession: I was not always the cheerleader of Toronto punk that I am today. I grew up ashamed of our local punk past. Compared to our neighbors to the south, I felt that Toronto was so late to the game (the first Toronto records didn't come out until 1977 after all, a good year or so after punk records started coming out). What I came to realize was that I was simply ignorant of the actual history. That that though the punk bands didn't manage to release records until much later they in my cases predate their American counter parts. I was also generally clueless about how cool the Punk scene here was. One of the things that made it cool was the Crash N Burn club. This short lived DIY space was set up by the Diodes and there manager and was host to many of the great bands of the time. Everyone from the Nerves to the Dead Boys to just about every first wave Toronto band of note would grace its stage. Today, if you were to walk by the former site of this legendary venue you would never know that it was once their. Thankfully professor Ross McLaren thought enough of what was going on to film a short black and white document of the space. And now it is being screened as a part of a program of Ross' film Images Film Festival. Also, as a way for me to atone for my past sin of denying the awesomeness of early Toronto punk, I will be DJing a set of classic Toronto (and area) punk records.
It all goes down:
Friday, April 2nd at 9:00 PM.
It’s being held at the new Workman Arts space in the Saint Anne’s Parish Hall at 651 Dufferin Street, which is just north of Dundas West, on the east side of the street. The afterparty which will include my set will take place right afterwards in the same space.
Forgive Me Frankie for I have sined.
This is from the big man:
I have a confession: I was not always the cheerleader of Toronto punk that I am today. I grew up ashamed of our local punk past. Compared to our neighbors to the south, I felt that Toronto was so late to the game (the first Toronto records didn't come out until 1977 after all, a good year or so after punk records started coming out). What I came to realize was that I was simply ignorant of the actual history. That that though the punk bands didn't manage to release records until much later they in my cases predate their American counter parts. I was also generally clueless about how cool the Punk scene here was. One of the things that made it cool was the Crash N Burn club. This short lived DIY space was set up by the Diodes and there manager and was host to many of the great bands of the time. Everyone from the Nerves to the Dead Boys to just about every first wave Toronto band of note would grace its stage. Today, if you were to walk by the former site of this legendary venue you would never know that it was once their. Thankfully professor Ross McLaren thought enough of what was going on to film a short black and white document of the space. And now it is being screened as a part of a program of Ross' film Images Film Festival. Also, as a way for me to atone for my past sin of denying the awesomeness of early Toronto punk, I will be DJing a set of classic Toronto (and area) punk records.
It all goes down:
Friday, April 2nd at 9:00 PM.
It’s being held at the new Workman Arts space in the Saint Anne’s Parish Hall at 651 Dufferin Street, which is just north of Dundas West, on the east side of the street. The afterparty which will include my set will take place right afterwards in the same space.
Forgive Me Frankie for I have sined.
Just Why

Thanks for everyone who read and spread our SXSW post around. We got a lot of positive response from it, and it felt like a lot of people who wouldn't normally be associated with our band got involved in the debate. Check out articles here and here. Not everyone felt the same way however -in a nice ironic twist of fate to the last time we were specifically linked to a particular group of corporations (ie when we sued Camel Cigs and Rolling Stone), - now we're the ones getting sued. One of the companies that was involved with presenting our official sxsw showcase (Thriller Energy Drinks) took out a claim against us yesterday for defamation. It's not a big case so it's not a huge deal, but it is a chilling reminder of what can happen when artists speak out about certain issues. We can't obv talk about it on here that much, but you can feel free to email the company yourself thx: