
Hi, I'd like to plug a special show we're doing this Friday in Toronto, because we are especially excited about it. In like a serious way, not in the way we tell you before we play in like Seattle or Tacoma, where we just tell you we're excited because it would be weird for us to have come all that way to play (like from San Fransisco, that morning) and for you to have paid that much money to see us (atleast $25) and not both agree that we were all excited for the event to be happening, but mostly you are thinking about what TV shows you are missing, and we're mostly succumbing to those thoughts usually crammed into the very back of our heads (atleast they are when we're in like Shoreditch or Williamsburg or Pittsfield or Saskatoon or Hunan Province) about really how old we are and where all our friends from highschool are doing right now, and how big their houses in Burlington are. But anyhow, you don't need to worry about any of that stuff on Friday, because when you come up to one of us and we tell you that we're excited about the show, we'll really mean it. I've been telling people that IRL all week, and if you know me (you don't) you know how weird THAT is.
On Friday we're playing at the Toronto Reference Library, which is the main library in Toronto - you can't take books out from there mostly (reference...) but you can take movies out on DVD, and it's also where we get most of our album artwork from - I wouldn't tell anyone that for years, but now that our record covers only feature pictures of us, I'm free to be cool now. Go to the reference library to design your art. The show is early enough that you could just stop by near closing time and then stick around for the show.
It starts at 8pm...the first band is our friends in $100, who are great. It's literally exciting to be playing with them. We play at 9pm sharp.
There are a few other things you should know about this show, but I've got to scram to practice asap so I'm just going to put the rest of the appealing parts of this show in bullet form:
-this library is really big, we play on the ground floor atrium, which is like one of the coolest indoor spaces in Toronto (that's a picture of a bit of it right up top there)
-it's free
-it's super early, so you can bring your parents and young babies
-Toronto has the most comprehensive library system in North America, and this is our main branch
-books are cool
-solid microfiche section
-we are probably going to play Year of the Ox
Maybe get an early dinner and come a tad early to line up for a minute? Facebook says that 690 people are coming, and it's not that you have to buy a ticket or anything, but you probably want to make sure you get in?